2025 NSCA Coaches Conference

Build Champions and Advance Your Career at NSCA’s Dynamic Event for Strength & Conditioning Coaches

January 08 - 10, 2025 | New Orleans, LA & Online | 2.0 CEUs Category A



The NSCA Coaches Conference is the ultimate gathering for strength and conditioning coaches and sport performance professionals across youth, high school, collegiate, pro, and the private sector. Elevate your skills with more hands-on sessions than ever and applied sport science — you won’t find interactive learning at this level anywhere else!

Save your spot now to join our world-class community for innovative training insights and actionable strategies you can’t wait to apply with your athletes.


Schedule is subject to change

Event Itinerary - Wednesday, January 8 - Central Time (CT)
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
CSCS Exam Prep Clinic

This 2-Day clinic begins Tuesday, January 7

Tuesday, January 7, 9:00 am - 6:30 pm: Scientific Foundations
Wednesday, January 8, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm: Practical/Applied


11:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Registration Open
12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
NSCA Store Open
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Fueling Performance: Strengthening Collaboration Between Coaches, Nutritionists, and Athletes Through Psychology-Driven Nutrition Coaching
by Adam Feit, PhD, CSCS*D, RSCC & James Russo, CISSN


  • Identify the key psychological factors influencing an athlete’s adherence to nutrition and training programs.
  • Discuss how building trust and maintaining open lines of communication
    between coaches, dietitians, and athletes leads to more effective nutrition and performance outcomes.
  • Develop athlete-centered nutrition plans that prioritize psychological well-being, accommodate individual preferences, and align with training goals, regardless of available resources.
  • Evaluate current collaboration models between strength coaches and dietitians, identifying ways to improve integration and create a more unified approach to athlete performance.

Lecture sponsored by Gatorade

1:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Coaching Multi-Directional Speed: How to Execute a Change-of-Direction Session
by Lance Walker, MS, PT, CSCS


  • Review the key drivers of a successful multi-directional speed training session.
  • Apply knowledge of kinetics, kinematics, and kinesiology to setup, demonstrate, and coach effective change-of-direction training session.
  • Experience an example of practical COD session organization that has been successfully applied to optimize efficiency, safety, and effectiveness.

Workshop sponsored by Perform Better

2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Weaponizing Your Strength and Conditioning: Positional Accuracy and Implement Interchangeability
by Greg Walsh
  • Show the value of deep-water positional diagnostics in progress-driven training.
  • Demonstrate and articulate the immense value in combining barbell, kettlebell, and mace lifting into a strength and conditioning program or plan.
  • Demonstrate and articulate the value of keeping the primary patterns and positions accurate and seamless from implement-to-implement (if something isn't broken, don't fix it... ).


3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Open
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
1st Timers Orientation
4:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Going Ballistic: The Kettlebell Swing, Clean, and Snatch
by Brett Jones, MS, ATC, CSCS


  • Learn how to safely execute the kettlebell deadlift, clean, snatch and swing.
  • Learn how to program the lifts into a program.
  • Learn coaching cues and strategies for the lift.

Workshop sponsored by Perform Better

4:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Teaching Schemes for Starting and Acceleration
by Boo Schexnayder, MA
  • Attendees will be able to adjust starting trajectories with stance adjustments and cues.
  • Attendees will be able to employ proper cuing systems for various aspects of starting mechanics.
  • Attendees will be able to teach trajectory based acceleration models.
  • Attendees will be able to employ cuing nsystems for correcting errors in acceleration skills.


6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Kick-Off Party

All attendees and exhibitors welcome

Event Itinerary - Thursday, January 9 - Central Time (CT)
7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Registration Open
7:30 AM - 8:20 AM
NSCA Professional Development Group Town Hall Meeting

Presented by the High School and College Coaches Professional Development Groups

7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Coffee & Curls

Workout and/or join the Exhibitors for coffee & breakast sandwich.

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
NSCA Store Open
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Opening Ceremonies - NSCA's New Strategic Plan and Coach of the Year Awards


10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Sports Genomics: Talent Identification, Precision Programming and More
by Andy Galpin, PhD, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

streamed live

  • Discuss the current knowledge base regarding using genetic testing for talent identification in sports performance.
  • Discuss the current understanding of plasticity vs. inherited traits.
  • Describe recently released and current major research projects in the field of genetics and human performance.
  • Describe the usefulness of genetic testing for exercise, recovery, and nutrition recommendations.


10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Physical and Psychological Considerations for Training Youth Athletes- A Year-by-Year Approach
by Joe Sawicki, MEd, CSCS
  • Understand physical differences in youth athletes aged 10-18.
  • Understand psychological differences in youth athletes aged 10-18.
  • Gain ideas on programming and exercise selection to maximize performance and athlete health.


10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Building a Session-Specific Warm-up
by Ashley Kowalewski, CSCS & Dustin Ducree, CSCS
  • Identify areas that are limiters for performance when it comes to mobility and stability.
  • Explore different ways to mobilize atheltes (and ourselves) for any day- competition days, practice days, or an off day
  • "Warming up" should be a daily pratice to some extent, regardless of the demands of the day- we will break down several mobility flows that are easy to teach and even easier to impliment with minimal equipment, as well as the introduciton of some warm up games and things that will stimulate athletes drive for competition as well as coginitive abilities and strategy.


10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Linked In Profile Review
by Carmen Pata, MS, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E

Sign up at the Foundation Booth inside Resources

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Football Special Interest Group Meeting & Roundtable Discussion
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Use of Movement Screens to Develop High School, College, and Professional Athlete Training Programs
by Brandon McDaniel, CSCS, RSCC*D

streamed live



11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Sleds for Speed: Applications for Field Sport Athletes
by Steven John Duhig, PhD
  • Explain how resisted sprint training effectively improves acceleration and maximum velocity in athletes.
  • Analyze the impact of kinematic changes during resisted sprint training and determine why they may not be unfavorable for field-based sports.
  • Design a resisted sprint training program that includes training 2-3 times per week, covering over 160 meters per session, over a period exceeding 6 weeks, utilizing rigid surfaces, and applying appropriate loading parameters (e.g., % velocity decrement greater than % body mass, less than 20% for max velocity, and varying loads for acceleration).

Lecture sponsored by ASCA

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Grow Your Leadership Skills Through the NSCA
by Ian Jeffreys, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, RSCC*E & Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, TSAC-F

Career Connections

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
From the Podium to the Platform: Olympic Lifting Tips from an Olympian
by Wes Kitts & Ryan Metzger, CSCS, RSCC
  • Benefits of Olympic lifting as it transfers to athletic performance.
  • More in-depth understanding of Olympic lifting and the technical aspects to consider.


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch with Exhibitors

Lunch provided for all attendees and exhibitors.

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Energy System Profiling for MMA - Targets & Limiting Factors
by Gavin Pratt, MS

streamed live

  • Developing a needs analysis & testing battery for Mixed Martial Arts in relation to energy systems.
  • Highlight specific components within each energy system for the S&C practitioner to optimize in their programming.
  • Understand what the limiting factor may be for the individual & how to target adaptations.


1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Plane Plan for Baseball
by Kenna Smoak-Minnici, CSCS, RSCC*D
  • Outline the planes of movement and myofascial slings importance for coordinated movement for rotation to have power.
  • Explore the specificity of skill/sport for different movements and the transfer of training from general to specific.
  • Go through a year of programming for Baseball. Including exercise selection for each phase of development.


1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Quadrupedal Movement Training for High School Athletes
by Mark Cugliari, MS, CSCS, RSCC
  • Identify what Quadrupedal Movement Training (QMT) is and its benefits to athletes.
  • Identify practice how to properly regress, progress, and cue the details of the crawling pattern for efficient movement.
  • Identify how and when to implement Quadrupedal Movement Training into your Strength & Conditioning program.


1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Evaluating Success and Taking the Next Step in Your Career
by Duncan French, PhD, CSCS, RSCC*E

Career Connections

2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Dietary and Sport Supplement Recommendations for Peak Cognitive Performance
by Shawn Arent, PhD, CSCS,*D


  • Identify nutritional supplements that have scientific support for physical and cognitive performance enhancement.
  • Understand dosing and timing considerations to optimize supplement effectiveness.
  • Describe medical, legal, and policy considerations related to sport supplement use.


2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Innovations in Hip and Groin Injury Prevention for Athletes
by Derrick Larkins, CPSS, CSCS
  • Understand the biomechanical factors contributing to common hip and groin injuries in sports, including hamstring strains, groin strains, and intra-articular hip pathologies.
  • Learn strategies for biomechanical analysis and muscle architecture evaluations to identify susceptibility factors for hip and groin injuries among athletes.
  • Gain knowledge of research-driven interventions aimed at maximizing force output of the hip and groin muscles, with a focus on injury prevention and performance enhancement in sports.


2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Building Confidence Through Plyometric Progressions
by Lance Walker, MS, PT, CSCS
  • Design plyometric progressions that foster confidence and safety.
  • Construct plyometric training sessions that can be easily and readily progressed/regressed within session.
  • Use verbal, non-verbal, and equipment-augmented cues to optimize plyometric safety and effectiveness.

Hands-On sponsored by Perform Better

2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Finding the Silver Lining: Positivity, Gratitude, and the Brightside of Coaching
by Antonio Squillante, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, RSCC*D

Career Connections

3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Bridging the Gap Between Performance & Wellness: Where's the Gap in the Collegiate Setting?
by Sheri Walters, CPSS, CSCS

streamed live

  • Participants will be able to discuss various barriers to and facilitators of Performance and Wellness Integration in the Collegiate Athletics Setting.
  • Participants will be able to discuss potential solutions to address the barriers to integration.


3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Strength & Conditioning Internship Experiences: A Critical Review
by Darnell Clark, EdD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D
  • Provide professional competencies opportunities for emerging S&C professionals.
  • Provide a curriculum framework for S&C preceptors.
  • Provide solutions for university field experience coordinators to manage both student and preceptor.


3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
MMAFx Hand Speed & Skills Training Program
by Bruce Lombard, MEd
  • Learn basic techniques of the MMAFx hand skills program.
  • Learn basic drills of the MMAFx hand skills program.
  • Learn how to initiate and implement the program with their clients and athletes.


3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Baseball Special Interest Group Meeting and Roundtable Discussion
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Holistic Training and Exposure for Field Based Sports
by Ryan Metzger, CSCS, RSCC

streamed live

  • Overview outlining the vertical integration of resistance training, mobility, and field prep warm up activities to best prepare field sport athletes for competition.
  • Paying special attention to periodization and consistency while moving through training phases.


4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) and Low Energy Availability (LEA): Scientific and Clinical Updates
by Carolyn Stocker, MS, RD, LD, CSCS
  • Understand what RED-S and LEA are and impact on health and performance.
  • Recognize the signs & symptoms of athletes that are at increased risk.
  • Identify misconceptions and common fueling thoughts of athletes.
  • Develop fueling considerations and strategies for recovery and prevention of RED-S.


4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Core Training to Complement the Big Lifts
by Lilly Bernardi, MS, CSCS, RSCC
  • Discuss core training for performance rather than appearance.
  • Discuss strategies for organizing core exercises as part of a comprehensive strength and conditioning program.
  • Learn to categorize and practice various exercises and their variations. 


4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Advancing Your S&C Position by Understanding the Administrator’s Perspective
by Gary McChalicher, EdD, CSCS

Career Connection

5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Should Field Sport Athletes Catch a Clean? And Other Never-Ending Debates Around Weightlifting
by Guy Hornsby, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D & Andrew Layne, PhD, CSCS

streamed live

  • Long term strength power development.
  • Benefits of increased strength power development for specific sports.
  • Technical development in the weight room.


5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Breaking Down the Get-up
by Brett Jones, MS, ATC, CSCS
  • Learn how to safely execute the kettlebell get-up.
  • Learn how to program the lift into a program.
  • Learn coaching cues and strategies for the get-up.

Hands-on sponsored by Perform Better

5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Women Leading the Way in Strength & Conditioning
by Kenna Smoak-Minnici, CSCS, RSCC*D

Career Connection

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Exhibitor Reception

All attendees and exhibitors welcome.

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
RSCC Reception (RSCC & RSVP Required)

RSCC & RSVP required

Event Itinerary - Friday, January 10 - Central Time (CT)
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration Open
8:00 AM - 9:20 AM
Coffee & Kilos

Workout and/or join the Exhibitors for coffee & breakfast sandwich.

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Open
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
NSCA Store Open
8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Food First, But Not Always Food Only: A Time and a Place for Dietary Supplementation Strategies in Sports
by Andrew Jagim, PhD, CSCS


  • Explain the importance of a food-first approach to sports nutrition programs for athletes, particularly for those at younger ages.
  • Indicate when the use/recommendation of certain dietary supplements may be warranted and which supplements may be worth considering.
  • Understand the mechanism of action, intended purpose, and dosing recommendations for identified supplements.


8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
What Does Jump Testing Tell Us and How to Apply it to Baseball Performance and Training
by David Szymanski, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E
  • Learn the various components of the force plate data from countermovement jump testing.
  • Learn how to compare force plate data to baseball performance data.
  • Learn how to practically apply force plate data to training to improve performance.


8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Mobility Matters
by Dustin Ducree, CSCS & Ashley Kowalewski, CSCS
  • Design warm-up/movement prep sessions based on the demands of training for the day.
  • Identify needs of the athletes/positions and determine how to fill those needs through dosing within the warm ups.


9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Speed Applications For Football
by Ryan Davis, CSCS

streamed live

  • Understand concepts specific to exercise selection, progression & load management as it relates to specific sport/athlete.
  • Learn concepts & methods to perform best practices in developing a program inclusive of acceleration, max velocity, change of direction & conditioning.


9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Utilizing Sport Science in Return-to-Play
by Alex Calder, CPSS, CSCS,*D, RSCC
  • Identifying limitations and measurables in injured athletes.
  • Utilizing pieces of technology to aid decision making.
  • Constructing a RTP framework in collaboration with the multi-disciplinary team.


9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
A Safe and Efficient Progression for Teaching Cleans to Athletes
by Chris Romano, MA, CSCS, RSCC*D
  • Cleans are not complicated to teach IF you have a good progression.
  • Teaching Cleans do not have to take a lot of time away from your training program.


9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Beyond the Job: Setting Boundaries, Avoiding Burnout, and Succeeding in Other Areas and Developing Opportunities Beyond the College Weight Room
by Ryan Metzger, CSCS, RSCC

Career Connections

10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Increase Your Credibility and Value in Your School District, Creation of a High School S&C Curriculum
by Gary McChalicher, EdD, CSCS & Justin Loudon, CSCS, RSCC
  • Attendees will learn how to demonstrate educational value and credibility with school district leaders through the creation of a S&C curriculum that is grounded in pedagogical concepts. Attendees will be able to differentiate a S&C training program from a S&C curriculum.
  • Attendees will learn how to write student learning objectives aligned with their S&C program to include in a curriculum plan.
  • Attendees will learn how to fit common coaching practices like differentiation, goal setting, goal attainment and social support into a curriculum.
  • Attendees will learn how to correctly utilize formative and summative assessments and include them in curriculum development.
  • Attendees will learn about the positive systemic impact on students through a standards-based curriculum that is vertically aligned with elementary and middle school physical education programs.


10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Everyone is a Strongman
by Heidi Campo, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D
  • Understand what unique tools a strongman utilizes.
  • Safely translating those tools to your teams or clients.
  • Practical application and nuances of those tools.


10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Finding a Program to Study Sport Science
by Guy Hornsby, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D

Career Connections

10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
LinkedIn Review
by Adam Feit, PhD, CSCS, RSCC*D

sign up at the Foundation booth inside the NSCA Resource area

10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Sport Science SIG Meeting and Roundtable Discussion
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Lunch with Exhibitors

All attendees and Exhibitors welcome

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Priming Strategies to Maximize Sport Performance
by Mike Young, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D


  • Learn how and to what extent pre-competition priming can improve performance.
  • Understand key differences in exercise selection, timing, and load to improve performance across a wide range of sports tasks.
  • Understand the evidence-based means, methods and time frames associated with effective priming strategies.


1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
The Time is Now: In-Season vs Off-Season Training
by Kelli Brightwell, MS, CSCS,*D, RSCC
  • Understand the basic principles and differences between off-season and in-season training.
  • Show progressions and regressions of specific movement patterns and how they would fit into an off-season to in-season periodization scheme.
  • Demonstrate the physiological reasoning for modifications and changes from the off-season to help athletes perform at their best in-season.


1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Application of Speed Dynamics in a Team Setting: Youth to Professional
by Kevin Heiberger, MS, CSCS & Steffen Visk, CSCS
  • Speed Dynamics Technique Application for Acceleration and Maximum Velocity.
  • Pedagogical Approach: Whole- Part – Whole and Interweaving applied to Speed Motor Learning in a team setting.


2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Athlete Testing Ratios and Profiles: Benefits, Limitations, and Practical Application
by Tim Suchomel, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D


  • Identify commonly assessed strength and performance ratios and profiles.
  • Discuss how to critically evaluate existing ratios and profiles in relation to an athlete's performance characteristics.
  • Provide practical examples of how to effectively use performance ratios and profiles when designing training programs for athletes.


2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Shock Method Explained: Depth Jump
by Antonio Squillante, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, RSCC*D
  • Depth jumps (CDJ) ad drop jump (BDJ): jumping strategies and key performance outcomes.
  • Optimal dropping height: CDJ incremental test 3- depth jump: program design.


2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Progressive Performance: Advancing High School Athletes through Medicine Ball and Plyometric Progressions
by Josh McMillian, MS, CSCS, RSCC*D
  • Understand the principles of progressive medicine ball and plyometric training and its role in advancing high school athletes' speed, power, and injury reduction capabilities.
  • Gain practical skills in designing and implementing hands-on training programs that incorporate systematic progressions, personalized exercises, and cueing techniques to optimize performance gains while minimizing the risk of injury for adolescent athletes.


3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Elite Sport Doesn't Take Place at the Average: Programming Decisions for Athletic Enhancement Relative to Specificity, Personalization and Individualization
by Clive Brewer, MSc, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E


  • Exemplify the adaption-led approach to athletic enhancement whilst supporting the coaching process of the athlete.
  • Illustrate the decision-making process within the long and short-term periodized programming for an athlete based upon various needs analysis.
  • Present examples of sports needs analysis, functional risk profiling and performance profiling from a number of sports that inform the S&C coaching program delivery.
  • Present example programs and exercises that an S&C coach might consider to address the specific challenges within group and individual settings to achieve success in their programs.


3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
From Friday Finishers to Arm Farm Workouts: Incorporating Team Building in the Weight Room
by Scott Caulfield, MA, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC*E
  • Identify ways to build competition and teamwork in a large group setting.
  • Design group "finishers" that provide a teamwork aspect while still being safe and effective for all athletes involved.
  • Give attendee's new ideas and cultivate a thought process to be able to create their own "finishers" that can be safe and effective while also creating opportunities for competition and teamwork. 


4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Why Momentum Beats Speed in Sport
by Bryan Mann, PhD, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC*D



Registration Pricing

Whether you're coming to expand your network, uncover new trends, or earn CEUs, we want you there - and we're here to help.

Our updated Justification Toolkit has everything you need to secure funding to attend, from tips for speaking with your supervisor to specific sessions that align with your job tastks. 

Through  Nov 6 Nov 7 - Dec 11 After Dec 11
Non-Member $450 $470 $550
Professional Member $305 $320 $395
Registration + Professional Membership  $435 $450 $525
Student Member $245 $270 $345
Registration + Student Membership $315 $340 $415
Guest Pass $85 $85 $85

Online registration to attend in-person will close Wed, Jan 8, 5PM eastern. On-site registration will be open - come see us!

Online registration to attend online will close Thurs, Jan 9, 5PM eastern. 

Hotel Accommodations

Hyatt Regency New Orleans

601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70113 

Group Rate: $185 (+ taxes)

Book Room

Justification Toolkit

Whether you're coming to expand your network, uncover new trends, or earn CEUs, we want you there - and we're here to help.

Our updated Justification Toolkit has everything you need to secure funding to attend, from tips for speaking with your supervisor to specific sessions that align with your job tasks. 


2025 Coaches Toolkit cropped.png


  • Anti-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment
  • Cancellation Policy*

    All refund requests must be submitted in writing and should state the reason for cancellation. Email: conferences@nsca.com


    Full refund less $20 if postmarked by Nov 6
    50% refund if postmarked Nov 7-Dec 11
    No refund after Dec 11, 2024

    *cancellation policy subject to change when registration is open

  • CEU Options

    The NSCA has many options to help you in obtaining the necessary CEUs to recertify. Please check the CEU Opportunities page for the most current information. 

    View All NSCA CEUs
  • Exhibitors

    Interested in getting your brand in front of our attendees? Contact us at exhibitors@nsca.com.

    Exhibitor Information
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Where is the host hotel and conference location? 
    Hyatt Regency New Orleands: 601 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, LA 70113.

    What does it mean when I see "Streamed Live" on the schedule?
    The sessions labeled "Streamed Live" will be just that, streamed live during the week of the conference. It's what's included with the online registration. All attendees will receive access to all of the recorded main sessions approximately 2 weeks after the event.

    How long do I have to register for the In-Person experience before cutoff? 
    The online registration opportunity for in-person will close Wed, Jan 8, 5PM eastern. Onsite registration will remain open all week - come see us!

    How long do I have to register for the Online experience before cutoff? 
    Registration will close Thurs, Jan 9, 5PM eastern.

    As a registered attendee, will I receive a recording of the online, virtual or live streamed event? 
    Yes. You will receive a recording of all sessions labeled "Lecture", "Hands-On, or "Career Talk" approximately 2 weeks after the event to review anything you may have missed. You will have access for one year. 

    How do I know which sessions will be streamed/included with my registration? 
    Please see the PDF Schedule found under "Schedule" for details.

    If I miss some of the online, virtual or live streamed event, will this affect my CEUs?
    No. You will receive a recording after the event to review anything you may have missed, therefore receiving the full 2.0 Category A CEUs. 

    Are there group registration prices?
    Yes. If you have a team of 4 or more we can offer a discount. Email conferences@nsca.com

    Will I receive a Certificate of Attendance? 
    Yes. A certificate will be emailed to you approximately 2 weeks after the event.

    How do I report my CEUs?
    The NSCA will automatically apply the CEUs to your NSCA Account. If you need to report CEUs elsewhere, you may use the Certificate of Attendance.

    Can anyone register for this event? 
    Yes. Anyone who is interested in an NSCA Event can register. 

    Do I need a Membership to register?
    No. You only need an NSCA Account to register. If you do not have one, you can create one for free.

    Create Account

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