NSCAF BOD Minutes - January 6, 2017

Minutes of the NSCA Foundation Board of Directors Meeting Friday, January 6, 2017, at Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center Nashville, Tennessee.

NSCA Executive Director, Michael Massik, welcomed the Foundation Board of Directors and thanked them for their service.  The meeting was called to order at 7:20 am CST on Friday, January 6, 2017 by NSCA Foundation President, Dr. Brian Schilling. 
Participating in the meeting were: NSCAF President, Dr. Brian Schilling; NSCAF Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Chad Kerksick; Public Member, Tom Mahoney; and NSCA Appointed Director, Dr. David Szymanski. 
Also present: Scholarship Review Committee Chair, Dr. Matt Stock; Grant Review Committee Chair, Dr. Jakob Vingren (by phone); NSCA Foundation Director, Carissa Gump; and NSCA Staff Liaison, Lee Madden. 
Discussion Items: 1. Brian Schilling introduced newly hired Carissa Gump and discussed her background. 2. Minutes for the July and October meetings will be available shortly.  For future meetings, we will request that the NSCA Executive Assistant attend the Foundation Board meetings to take the minutes. 3. The Board decided to have its next meeting by phone call on March 24, 2017 at 10:00 am CST. 4. Lee Madden presented the financial statements for November 30, 2016. 5. Applications for the Board of Directors and Grants Review Committee open positions were discussed.  The group discussed an interest in expanding the diversity of the Board with people from non-academic backgrounds.  a. Motions: i. That the Board will invite Korrey Hammond to join the NSCA Foundation Board. (Moved: Tom Mahoney; Seconded: David Szymanski; Passed) The appointment of Korrey Hammond to the NSCA Foundation Board will need to be confirmed by the NSCA Board. ii. That the Board will invite Dr. David Fukuda to join the Grants Review Committee. (Moved: Tom Mahoney; Seconded: Chad Kerksick; Passed) 6. The Board discussed the necessity of increasing the number of Board of Directors members to facilitate new activities driven by the Strategic Plan. a. Motion: i. That the Board will amend its bylaws to expand the number of directors of the Corporation to seven: one Public Member; one Practitioner; one Academic; one NSCA Appointed Director; three At-Large. (Moved: Tom Mahoney; Seconded: Brian Schilling; Passed) The change to the NSCA Foundation Bylaws will need to be confirmed by the NSCA Board. 7. The Board discussed the proposed change to the scholarship application and awarding dates. a. Motion: 
i. That the Board will retain the March, 2017 scholarship deadline and move the deadline for 2018 to October 1. (Moved: Tom Mahoney; Seconded: Chad Kerksick; Passed) 8. The Board discussed the implementation of strategic plan initiatives. 
New Business: 1. It was suggested that we review the possibility of introducing an undergraduate travel grant as part of the scholarship procedures. 
Dr. Brian Schilling adjourned the meeting at 10:45 am CST.  

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