NSCAF BOD Minutes - July 11, 2014

NSCA Foundation (NSCAF) Annual Meeting - July 11, 2014 | 3:00pm | Paris Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

Present: Dr. Joan Eckerson, Dr. Tammy Evetovich, Dr. Todd Miller, Dr. Chad Kerksick, Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan, Dr. Matt Stock, Lee Madden, Dr. Margaret Jones, Dr. Brian Schilling (via teleconference), Dr. Jason DeFreitas, Christina Klingensmith

I. Call to Order by Dr. Eckerson

II. Announcements

Dr. Chad Kerksick was chosen as a new member of the NSCAF Board of Directors.

Due to his new positions, there is a position available now on the scholarship committee. The announcement seeking applications for the available position on the scholarship committee will be sent out soon.

III. Election of Officers

Dr. Tammy Evetovich was elected as the new President as Dr. Joan Eckerson is stepping down. Much thanks to Dr. Eckerson for all of her service to the NSCAF.

Dr. Brian Schilling was elected as Vice President

Dr. Chad Kerksick was elected Secretary/Treasurer

IV. 2013-2014 Performance Summary 6/30/13 to 6/30/14

Beginning (SEI + REITS) = $4,116,583.87

Ending = $4,693,476.11

Cash Dividends = $64,319.24

Subtotal Money Markets and Checking = $336,200.11

Grand total = $5,029,676.22

15.58 % Total Return

Total Awarded for Grants and Scholarships in 2014: $316,591.00

Total Awarded in 2013: $220,539 .00

V. Scholarship Review Committee Report by Dr. Matt Stock

Scholarship Review Committee

• Dr. Matthew Stock, Texas Tech University, Chair

• Dr. Chad Kerksick, University of New Mexico (going off the committee)

• Dr. Helen Binkley, Middle Tennessee State University

• Mr. Jason Roe, Carroll University

• Dr. Brian Schilling, the University of Memphis, NSCAF appointee

Scholarships reviewed = 75 and awarded 41 at $1,500 each (21 Challenge, 8 Minority, 9 Women, 3 High School)

Total awarded = $61,500.00

Dr. Stock indicated that it would be beneficial to modify the rubric to reflect differences in high school and doctoral student applicants.

The Board charged the Scholarship Committee to revise the rubric and make recommendations to the Board to be voted on at a later date. The committee may also modify the application and submit that to the Board as well.

A discussion ensued as to eligibility for scholarships. In the future, the NSCA Headquarters will screen the applicants to make sure they have not received the award more than twice.

VI. Grant Review Committee Report by Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan

Grant Review Subcommittee

• Dr. Abbie Smith, University of North Carolina, Chair

• Dr. Margaret Jones, George Mason University, Member

Grants reviewed: 52 received, 46 eligible with 11 funded (some grant applicants were ineligible because of lack of current membership)

Total awarded: $255,091.00

GNC Nutrition Research Grant: 0/0 $2,500 max No applications
Masters: 3/14 $7,500 max $7,434
Doctoral: 2/18 $15,000 max $8,970
Young Investigator: 2/6 $20,000 max (20% indirect cost rate) $24,000
Senior Investigator: 1/4 $30,000 max (20% indirect cost rate) $35,996
Total NSCAF funds   $124,221
Intl. Collaborator:  3/4 $50,0000 max $46,340
Total Restricted Assets   $130,870

*GNC made their commitment ($20,000) too late to be included in the 2014 grant awards, therefore, the funds will roll over to 2015

Dr. Smith-Ryan brought up a number of items for discussion.
An issue brought up at the Research Consortium meeting was the abstract fee for $20. It was thought that the fee puts an unnecessary burden on students. A little over $2,000 comes to the Foundation from the abstract fee. The abstract submission system costs $8,500. It was suggested that maybe we can find a sponsor. Chad Kerksick will look into this possibility. 

It was noted by Dr. Eckerson that 33.33% will need to come from public donations to the NSCAF in order to remain a 501c non-profit organization. Some years we are right around that mark and it makes every donation count.

The grant submission process had a glitch this year in that there was an email system failure on the deadline date. It was discussed as to whether we should have an electronic system for the grant submission process. Can we set up an email address that the committee has access to and they could just go get them? Can we partner with JSCR system for submitting the grant and then could we put reviewers in the system for assigning them? Can we run it through the abstract submission system? The grant committee will explore the possibilities.

Grant subcommittee is currently only 2 people but Dr. Smith-Ryan requested that it be increased to 3 people. Dr. Evetovich will check the Bylaws and get back to the committee as to whether they can appoint another member to the subcommittee. 

This is the first year the NSCAF is requiring a reporting form for grants. Cristina Klingensmith at NSCA Headquarters will monitor as to whether reports are filed by the investigators. 

An item of discussion was brought up with regard to what can be funded by the grants. Can Research Assistants be funded? Currently no item greater than 50% of total budget can be used for equipment. Can this be increased? No new action was taken after this discussion.

VII. Old Business
Dr. Miller brought a suggestion made by Dr. Fleck to the Board with regard to increasing public donations to the NSCAF. He wanted to know if there is someone on the Board who would be interested in training or taking a class on how to solicit public funds?

We had received some suggestions from consultants (Chris Barry and Richard Garrigan) with regard to how we could increase our public donations.

It was suggested that Lee Madden look into other consultants and report back to the Board at our next meeting before we make any decisions.

VIII. New Business
Dr. Jeff McBride was granted a one-year extension for his grant. 

The funds from the NSCA for the International Collaborator Grant have been re-categorized as unrestricted.

Adjourned 4:40pm

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