NSCAF BOD Minutes - July 17, 2010

Meeting held in Orlando, FL July 17, 2010 – 10 am

In attendance: Lee Brown, Jill Bush, Joan Eckerson, Lee Madden, Kim Ginter

  1. Introduction – Lee Brown
  2. Approval of replacement for Jeff Stout as the NSCA BOD designee and as the NSCAF BOD representative on the Grants Committee and as Vice President
    1. Lee Brown nominated Jill Bush, second by Joan Eckerson
    2. Motion passed
  3. Lee reported that the NSCA BOD recently passed two motions that affect the NSCAF. The NSCA will now provide up to $50,000 each year to support international collaboration between NSCA members in the US and abroad. Therefore, the NSCAF has been asked to develop an application for this new international relationship. After a brief discussion, it was decided that the NSCAF BOD will work over the next few months on the application process with a deadline of December, 2010. The second motion passed by the NSCA BOD was to establish a Senior Investigator Grant designed for those members holding the rank of Associate Professor or above. Lee spoke with the Chair of the Grants Committee, Chad Kerksick, prior to the meeting and asked that his committee begin to develop an application for the Senior Investigator Grant using the Young Investigator Grant as a template, with a deadline of December 2010 for completion.
  4. Lee Madden provided a brief report regarding the recent independent financial audit of the NSCAF by Waugh & Goodwin, LLP Certified Public Accountants. The firm reported that the changes in net assets and cash flows of the NSCAF between 2009 and 2010 was in compliance with accounting principles generally accepted by the USA.
    1. One of the auditors, Mr. Ken Waugh, did recommend that the NSCAF begin to pay their own administrative expenses, which are currently being paid by the NSCA. Therefore, Lee made a motion that the NSCAF pay fair market value for administrative tasks performed by the NSCA on behalf of the Foundation. The motion was seconded by Jill Bush and passed unanimously.
  5. Given the recent retirement of Bob Jursnick, Lee made a motion to replace Bob with the new NSCA Executive Director, Dr. Alan Kinniburgh, as a designated signee. The motion was seconded by Joan Eckerson and passed unanimously.
  6. Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am

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