NSCAF BOD Minutes - July 7, 2016

Minutes of the NSCA Foundation Board of Directors Meeting held July 7, 2016, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 am CST on Friday, July 7, 2016 by NSCA Foundation President, Dr. Tammy Evetovich. 

Participating in the meeting were: NSCAF President, Dr. Tammy Evetovich; NSCAF Vice President, Dr. Brian Schilling; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Chad Kerksick; Public Member, Tom Mahoney; and NSCA Appointed Director, Dr. David Szymanski. 

Also present: Grant Review Committee Chair, Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan; Grant Review Committee Chair-Elect, Dr. Jakob Vingren; Scholarship Review Committee Chair, Dr. Matt Stock; NSCA Staff Liaison, Lee Madden. 

Discussion Items:

  • The Board discussed the results of the 2015-16 fundraising campaign efforts.
  • Tammy Evetovich introduced the idea of a holding Strategic Planning meeting and it was agreed to move forward with this effort in the fall.
  • Election of Officers:  Tammy Evetovich announced her resignation from the Board of Directors.  An open Board position will be posted on the NSCA website.
    • Motions:
      1. Brian Schilling was elected President.
      2. Chad Kerksick was elected Vice President; Chad will continue in his role as Secretary-Treasurer until the new Board member is seated.
  • Abbie Smith-Ryan discussed the grant awarding process for 2016 and offered several suggestions for next year.  A total of $249,144 in grants was awarded in 2016.
  • Matt Stock discussed the scholarship awarding process for 2016 and offered suggestions for next year.  A total of 36 scholarships were awarded (56% funded) for a total of $56,000, which included an additional $1,000 for two recipients who were awarded the Jerry Martin Scholarship.
  • The Board discussed moving the scholarship deadline to the fall in order to ensure that students were currently enrolled in a program at the time scholarships are awarded.
  • The Board decided to meet at the Coaches Conference in Nashville, TN in January, 2017. 


Dr. Tammy Evetovich adjourned the meeting at 11:00 am CST. (Not sure about this time, but I think we used all the allotted time in the room assigned to us.)

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