NSCAF BOD Minutes - July 9, 2015

Minutes of the NSCA Foundation Board of Directors Meeting held July 9, 2015, in Orlando, Florida.

NSCAF Meeting Minutes
Date: July 9, 2015
Present: Tammy Evetovich, PhD, Chad Kerksick, PhD, Brian Schilling, PhD, Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD, Matt Stock, PhD, Lee Madden, Jill Goodwin

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order @ 0700 by Tammy Evetovich.

II. Auditor’s Report – Jill Goodwin
Ms. Goodwin delivered report to Board. No discussion regarding report.

III. NSCA Marketing Report
A report was delivered by Beth Rampelberg from the NSCA office regarding strategic marketing ideas to promote ideas and initiatives to increase support directed to Foundation. Sample copies of marketing material was provided for review.

IV. Election of Officers
All foundation officers are remaining in their positions:
President – Dr. Tammy Evetovich
Vice President – Dr. Brian Schilling
Secretary/Treasurer – Dr. Chad Kerksick

It was noted that a call for an outside public member needed to be made in the Fall.

Structure of NSCA, the NSCA Foundation and the Research and Education committee was discussed. Chad Kerksick, PhD was appointed to become liaison to Grants committee from NSCAF BOD. A call for a member of the grant review committee will go out in later summer or in the fall.

V. Grants – Abbie Smith-Ryan
Extensive discussion occurred regarding many aspects surrounding the grants program. The application deadline was on a Sunday this year due to in past years the deadline being March 15th. Future deadline dates will be adjusted to avoid being due on a Sunday.

A call for a grants subcommittee member will go out late summer or early fall.

A. 2015 Grant Report/Awards  

  • Dr. Smith-Ryan went through every application to ensure each applicant was eligible.
  • Dr. Smith-Ryan provided report on awarded grants and scholarships
    • 1 international collaborator grant
    • 1 senior investigator
    • 0 young investigator grants
    • 7 doctoral grants
    • 3 masters grants
    • 1 GNC nutritional research grant

Total of $192,219 was awarded for grants this year.

B. Grant non-reporting ramifications

Several steps to enhance reporting of progress and accountability of grant awardees were discussed:

  • A reporting form was recently developed and added to grants award process
  • A mid-term reporting deadline of February 1st will be established. Failure to submit form makes applicant ineligible in subsequent grant year
  • Failure to provide end of year report will result in applicant not being able to submit future applications for a period of 5 years from the grant award
  • NSCA office will start withholding funding until IRB approval is provided by grant winner
  • Final question will be added to the reporting form to ask if any funds remain
  • The board would like to stress that grant awardees should include an acknowledgement the NSCAF as a funding source on all manuscripts and publications
  • All language changes regarding reporting requirements will be added to website, the grants application and on the grant contract.

C. Update on Electronic Submission of Grants Process

  • Dr. Smith-Ryan indicated positive reports on integration of Cadmium
  • Steps will be made to increase recognition and acknowledgement of grant reviewers: awards banquet, NSCAF BOD website, email

D. Items to Discuss with Regard to Grant Applications

  • NSCAF BOD members are not eligible to be grant reviews.
  • Percentile rankings are going to be prepared to show applicants where their grant was ranked
  • Grant review rubric will be placed on website
  • Equipment requests will be limited to no more than 50% of total budget for any one item
  • Laptops are eligible expenses, but they must be appropriately justified.
  • Publication costs are not an allowable budgeted item
  • Travel costs to present at NSCA conference are not an allowable budgeted item
  • Applicants are eligible to receive funding in consecutive years, but no applicant can win an award more than twice. NSCA office will begin tracking this more closely.
  • No salaries of any kind are allowable expenses
  • A consultant outside of the university is an allowable expense. A consultant inside the university is not allowable.
  • Detailed efforts to update the wording for all grants occurred. See appendices for updated changes.
  • Can GNC grant amount be increased to $5,000? Lee will inquire with sponsorship person at NSCA

VI. Scholarships

  • Matt Stock, PhD provided report to Board on scholarship committee progress and decisions. 48 scholarship winners were announced with $72K being awarded for scholarships.
  • A question was asked how many scholarships were awarded to students from ERP schools.
  • A rubric was finalized and developed to better suit each scholarship. All rubrics were posted on website for review by applicants.
  • The board would like to explore whether the scholarship application process can be electronic much like the grants process is currently.
  • Dr. Evetovich charged scholarship review committee to explore possibilities of a travel grant.

VII. Organizational Chart – Lee Madden

  • An organizational chart was developed and a copy was made available for review by Lee Madden.
  • Chad Kerksick, PhD to be added as liaison to grants sub-committee on organizational chart

VIII. Abstract Fee Report – Lee/Chad

  • MusclePharm (Jordan Moon, PhD) covered costs associated with abstract submission software. As a result, no abstract submission fee was charged.
  • Chad Kerksick will visit with Dr. Moon to evaluate their interest in sponsoring the abstract sessions again.

IX. Scholarship for Exam Prep - Everybody

No discussion regarding the development of a scholarship to cover exam preparation.

X. Other questions/comments/feedback

No other discussion points were brought forward.

Appendix - Amended wording to all grants

Grant applications are accepted year round. The application deadline is 5:00pm MST on the second Tuesday of March each year. Applications received after this date will be processed the following year. The Review Committee will review each application and select the top applicants to receive funding. Funding for selected applicants will be disbursed once IRB approval has been documented to the NSCA headquarters.

General Eligibility Requirements (for the grant application website and the grant webpage)

Applicants for student research grants must have graduate student status during the term of the grant to be considered for funding. At the time of the application deadline, student applicants must be a member of the NSCA and all faculty mentors must have maintained continuous NSCA membership for at least one year prior to the grant application deadline as verified by the NSCA office. Grants are open to all student or professional members of the NSCA; associate members of the NSCA are not eligible to apply for a grant. Applicants are not eligible to receive more than one grant in any given year, however applications can be made to more than one program in any given year as long as they are different projects. Two or more grant applications with similar titles and methodology submitted by investigators affiliated with the same research laboratory will be disqualified. Applicants are eligible to receive no more than two awards in each grant category over their career. Members of the NSCA Foundation Board of Directors, members of the Grant Review Committee, and members of the NSCA Board of Directors are ineligible to receive grant awards during their term of service. In addition, NSCA employees and their families are ineligible to receive financial awards.

All grant applications must be submitted by the deadline. No scanned and emailed applications will be accepted. All applications must be submitted using the online grant submission website (http://www.nsca.com/Foundation/grants-and-scholarships/). Incomplete application packets will not be accepted and will not be returned to the applicant. A complete application must be submitted for every program in which an application is being made.

GNC® Nutritional Research Grant

General Nutrition Centers® (GNC®) sponsors this nutrition-based research grant in the amount of $2,500 (indirect costs, travel, and salaries are NOT SUPPORTED). The purpose of the project must fall within the mission of the NSCA. One grant will be awarded. 

Graduate Research Grant - Master's or Doctoral 

This grant program funds graduate research in strength and conditioning that is consistent with the mission of the NSCA. Graduate Research Grants are awarded at the Masters and Doctoral level and require that a graduate faculty member serve as the faculty mentor. Please indicate clearly which Graduate Research Grant is being applied for (Masters or Doctoral). 

Masters Student Research Grant proposals are not to exceed $7,500 (indirect costs, travel, and salaries are NOT SUPPORTED). Eligible candidates must be actively pursuing their Master's degree at the time of application.

Doctoral Student Research Grant proposals are not to exceed $15,000 (indirect costs, travel, and salary are NOT SUPPORTED). Eligible candidates must be actively pursuing their Doctoral degree at the time of application, which may include ABD status.

Applicants for student research grants must have graduate student status during the term of the grant to be considered for funding. At the time of the application deadline, student applicants must be a member of the NSCA. All designated faculty mentors must have maintained continuous NSCA membership for at least one year prior to the grant application deadline as verified by the NSCA office.

Young Investigator Grant 

This grant program funds individuals employed full-time by non-profit research organizations (higher education institutions, research institutes, hospitals, or other recognized independent research organizations) who are within seven (7) years from conferral of their Doctorate degree (PhD, MD degree, or equivalent). The purpose and specific aims of the research project must be consistent with the mission of the NSCA. Applicants must have been a continuous NSCA Member at least one year prior to the application deadline as verified by the NSCA office. The maximum award is $20,000 plus indirect costs at a rate of up to 20% (travel and salaries are NOT SUPPORTED).

Senior Investigator Grant 

This grant program funds individuals employed full-time by non-profit research organizations (higher education institutions, research institutes, hospitals, or other recognized independent research organizations) who are more than (7) years from conferral of their Doctorate degree (PhD, MD degree, or equivalent). The purpose and specific aims of the research project must be consistent with the mission of the NSCA. General eligibility requirements state that all applicants to this program must have maintained continuous NSCA Membership for a period of no less than five years prior to the application deadline. The maximum award is $30,000 plus indirect costs at a rate of up to 20% (travel and salaries are NOT SUPPORTED).

International Collaboration Grant 

The NSCA International Collaboration Grant has been established to solicit creative proposals to facilitate collaboration between a United States-based colleague and an international colleague. The principal investigator (US or International) must be an NSCA Member in good standing for at least five consecutive years prior to application deadline as verified by the NSCA office. Current NSCA membership is not a requirement for the co-investigator. Applicants can apply to visit one or multiple international colleagues or propose to host one or multiple international colleagues in support of the proposed project. A total of $50,000 will be made available from this program each year with no predetermined limit on the number of awards to be made annually. This award is the only NSCA grant which will provide for travel expenses directly related to the activity including transportation (e.g., airfare, train, automobile, etc.), lodging, per diem, local travel, and other expenses directly related to the proposed activity, in addition to the necessary expenses to complete the proposed research project. Travel expenses are to be limited to 50% of total budgeted costs but cannot exceed $12,500. No salaries or indirect costs will be supported by this grant. At least one of the collaborators (United States-based or international colleague) must have a doctorate.


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