NSCAF BOD Minutes - October 7, 2013

NSCA Foundation (NSCAF) – October 7, 2013 | 2:30 pm CST | Teleconference Call

I. Call to Order – 
The meeting was called to order by Joan Eckerson at 2:30 pm CST

II. Q3 Account Values 
Value of the account at the end of Q3 was $4,376,417. That value is up $102,000 from last quarter.

III. Update on Open Scholarship Review Committee Position
No applicants to date for the open position.

IV. Whistleblower Policy
Motion to accept the Whistleblower Policy as submitted by Mr. Thomas James, legal counsel for the NSCAF. Second by Todd. Motion Carried

V. Grant Report Forms 

NSCAF Common Grant Report Form
Discussion ensued with regard to whether the committee assigns a number to each grant. If so, it was suggested that the number should be included on the grant form. Further, the due date was discussed and it was suggested that the faculty advisor’s name and contact information be included if the grant is for a Master’s or Doctoral student. Finally, it was suggested that anything greater than a deviation of 10% from budget would need to be addressed in the form.

Joan will make changes to the form and send it out for an online vote of approval.

No-Cost Extension Form
It was suggested that the form be consistent with the Grant Report Form.

Joan will make changes to the form and send it out for an online vote of approval.

VI. Request for No-Cost Extension of International Collaborator Grant 
Joan: Motion to provide a no-cost extension of the grant entitled Physiological and Performance Responses to Sequential Periodization Models 
Brian: Second
This project was awarded in 6/2011, but due to delays in laboratory renovation and issues with a vendor supplying a key piece of equipment, the project has still not been initiated. Because of the length of time that had elapsed with no progress, and because it is still unclear when the project could commence, it was the consensus of the Board that the funds should be returned. Because some of the circumstances for the delay appeared to be beyond the control of the investigators, they will be encouraged to resubmit the proposal in the future when they have the necessary equipment to complete the project. 
Motion Failed

Joan will draft a letter to the investigators explaining the decision.

VII. Update Mr. Boyd Epley Visit to Creighton 
Joan and John Wingender met with Boyd Epley to discuss strategies to increase public donations including partnering with ConAgra, Union Pacific, and GNC. The NSCAF will continue to work with Boyd and Scott Douglas, Marketing Director for the NSCA to attempt to increase donations over the coming months. 

VIII. Other
Brian suggested that we explore funding capital grants for equipment and infrastructure. 

Brian will draft a proposal for the Foundation to consider.

Meeting adjourned at 3 pm CST.

Respectfully submitted,
Tammy K. Evetovich, Secretary/Treasurer

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