NSCF BOD Minutes - January 29, 2007

Teleconference January 29, 2007 - 12noon PST

In attendance: Joe Weir, Lee Brown, Tom James-Legal Counsel

  1. Introduction – Joe Weir
  2. Motion to approve the NSCF Bylaws by Joe Weir, second by Lee Brown
    1. Motion passed
  3. Motion to approve the NSCF Articles of Incorporation by Joe Weir, second by Lee Brown
    1. pending the following changes: please remove from Article III (a) sections (2) ["To establish the qualifications of..."] and (3) ["To provide an unbiased resource..."].
    2. Motion passed
  4. Motion to approve the NSCF Mission Statement by Joe Weir, second by Lee Brown
    1. To support the mission of the National Strength and Conditioning Association by providing funding for educational and research activities that enhance the practical application of strength and conditioning.
    2. Motion passed (email vote)
  5. Meeting adjourned at 1pm.  

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