Julia Triano, CSCS

Contact Julia Triano

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Julia Triano holds two Bachelor of Science degrees in Exercise Physiology and Human Nutrition and Foods from West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. She also holds a Master of Science degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion with a concentration in Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention from the California University of Pennsylvania. She is a American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-CPT) through ACE, and a Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) through National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Currently, Triano is employed full time as a fitness specialist at the EQT REC Center and is a part time instructor at Waynesburg University in the Athletic Training and Exercise Science Department, both in Waynesburg, PA. Throughout her career, she has worked with a variety of athletes of different ages and experiences. As a former athlete who suffered a major knee injury, she finds fulfillment in helping athletes learn proper body mechanics to reduce the risk of injury.

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