Keith Chittenden, MS, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D

Contact Keith Chittenden

Contact Keith Chittenden

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Keith Chittenden is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialistwith Distinction (CSCS,*D) and Tactical Strength and ConditioningFacilitator with Distinction (TSAC-F,*D) through the NationalStrength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), as well as a CertifiedExercise Physiologist (CEP) through the American College ofSports Medicine (ACSM). He holds a Masters degree in ExerciseScience from California University of Pennsylvania. Chittenden hasover 15 years of experience working with athletes, police officers,and military personnel in areas such as fitness, performanceenhancement, pre/post-rehabilitation, and injury prevention.

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