James W. Krieger, MS

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James Krieger is the founder of Weightology, a website dedicated to delivering scientific, evidence-based information on body composition and nutrition. He is the former research director for a corporate weight management program that treated over 400 people per year, with an average weight loss of 40 lb in three months. He has published research in numerous journals, including the Journal of Applied Physiology and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Much of his collaborative work in recent years has focused on the impacts of training variables on muscle hypertrophy. Krieger is also the former Science Editor for Pure Power Magazine, and the former editor for Journal of Pure Power, both publications that delivered scientific, but lay-friendly, information on training and nutrition to athletes and coaches. In addition, Krieger has given over 75 lectures on fitness-related topics to physicians, dietitians, and other professionals, and has been a speaker at major events, such as the Norwegian Academy for Personal Training (AFPT) Conference and National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Personal Trainers Conference.

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