Brandi Binkley, MS

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Brandi Binkley is an exercise physiologist for over 13 years whoserved five years of active duty in the United States Navy. Upon leaving the Navy in 2003, she attended McNeese State University where she earned a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology. She has worked with numerous high-profile clients including musicians, actors, and politicians. She currently owns Tennessees largest personal training and group fitness studio located in Nashville, TN She is the National Strength and Conditioning Associations (NSCA) 2015 Personal Trainer of the Year. Binkley has been recognized as an industry expert, is a highly sought-after presenter, and is a published columnist. Binkley is a partner in ErgoVicis, a company that brings pharmacological awareness to the health and fitness industry. She has volunteered her time with various organizations and currently serves as the President of the board for End Slavery Tennessee.

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