Tim Piper, EdD, CSCS

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Tim Piper is an Assistant Professor at Western Illinois University.He has over 25 years of experience in teaching, coaching, andcompeting in a wide range of strength sports. He completed hisDoctorate degree at Northern Illinois University and is currentlyworking at Western Illinois University as the Program Directorof the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)Education Recognition Program (ERP) approved undergraduateexercise science curriculum. He is also the primary professor inthe Strength and Conditioning Graduate Track at Western IllinoisUniversity. His areas of interest include strength and powerdevelopment, training special populations, and the sports ofweightlifting and powerlifting. He has been publishing in peerreviewedand popular journals for over 20 years on a variety oftopics. His 28 years of coaching experience has developed withcompetitive weightlifters and powerlifters as Head Coach of theSalvation Army Lifting Team, a free community service program.

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