Manny Romero, CSCS, TSAC-F

Contact Manny Romero

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Manny Romero is a Performance Specialist at Naval Base PointLoma, where he oversees training programs for various commands,as well as individual sailors. He has worked as a strength andconditioning coach/specialist in military, firefighter, and athleticsettings. Romero holds a Master of Science degree from PointLoma Nazarene University and a Bachelor of Science degreefrom San Diego State University. Romero also holds severalcertifications through the National Strength and ConditioningAssociation (NSCA) and American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM). In 2019, he completed an internship with the Denver FireDepartments Health and Wellness program, was selected by hispeers to support the presentation of the Navy Operational Fitnessand Fueling System (NOFFS) program at National Athletic TrainersAssociations (NATA) 70th Clinical Symposia and AT Expo, and wasawarded the Minority Scholarship through the NSCA Foundation.

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