Kristin Mendez, CSCS

Contact Kristin Mendez

Contact Kristin Mendez

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Kristin Mendez is an exercise physiologist and researcher inAthens, GA. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Kinesiology at theUniversity of Georgia. She has been involved in research since herbachelors program. Mendez taught college weight training coursesduring her masters program and holds the Certified Strength andConditioning Specialist (CSCS) certification through the NationalStrength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). As a neuro-exercisephysiologist, Mendez trained clients with spinal cord injuries andneurological diseases, and became a certified Rock Steady Boxingcoach for clients with Parkinsons disease. She was a personaltrainer at her local community center and a Head Strength andConditioning Coach for Special Olympics powerlifting. Beforereentering academia, Mendez became an exercise physiologistwith an assisted living facility, training residents, teaching classes,and giving educational talks. Her current research is diaphragmaticendurance in varied populations and skeletal muscle metabolism inpeople with Downs syndrome.

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