Jeffery G. Nichols

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Contact Jeffery Nichols

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Jeff Nichols is an Exercise Physiologist with 2XU and the Co-Founder of Virginia High Performance, LLC. Nichols oversees all the strength and conditioning, recovery, and athlete assessments for Virginia High Performance. Nichols is a senior manager for product development, evaluation, and research for 2XU, the worlds leader in technical performance compression garments. Nichols has been a credentialed strength coach for 16 years working with athletes of all ages in amateur and professional athletics. Jeff began his career as a graduate assistant at Troy University under Richard Schaughnessy and later as an assistant managing 14 Varsity sports. After Troy, Jeff joined the navy and spent elven years as a Navy SEAL. Aside from serving as a SEAL while on active duty, Jeff also worked under Mark D. Stephenson at Navel Special Warfare (NSW). Working as his active duty department head within the Human Performance Department, Jeff oversaw product development, product assessment, program assessment, and operator delegate within Special Operations Command (SOCOM) for Human Performance. After honorable discharge from Naval service Jeff became the Co-Founder and Co- Owner of Virginia High Performance LLC in Virginia Beach. VHP is a fully operational performance and training center focused on youth athletic teams and clubs in the Hampton Roads area. VHP is also home to the No Fail Mission (NFM); a training program designed and created by Jeff and co-owner of VHP, Alex Oliver. The NFM trains and assists with rehabilitation of wounded Veterans of the US Armed Forces. Jeff regularly travels and consults in the US, Canada, and Australia for amateur and professional teams. Nichols earned his double Bachelors in Kinesiology and Chemistry from Troy University in 2002 and previously earned his Associates at Indian Hills Community College.

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