Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 2:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of  the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.


Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 2:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of  the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

Michael R. Bracko, EdD

Michael Bracko is a fitness educator, writer, strength and conditioning coach, skating coach for hockey players, and back injury prevention specialist. Bracko holds a Doctorate degree in Exercise Science, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialis (CSC) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and Trigger Point Master Trainer certification. His clients include youth to pro hockey players, youth hockey coaches, fitness professionals, and industrial workers. Bracko is the author of 32 DVDs on high-intensity interval training (HIIT), bodyweight training, core training, sports performance, high performance hockey skating, ergonomics, safe lifting, and back injury prevention. He presents at fitness conferences in North America and Asia. He writes for,IDEA Fitness Journa, andCanFitPro Magazin.

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