Aaron John Droege, CSCS

Contact Aaron Droege

Contact Aaron Droege

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Aaron Droege is the Assistant Athletics Director for SportsPerformance at Towson University. Droege provides guidanceon the implementation of the holistic high-performance modelwithin Towson University Athletics. He is directly responsiblefor programming and training for mens lacrosse and womenssoccer. He also integrates athlete monitoring technologies suchas velocity-based training, Global Positioning System (GPS), heartrate technology, and management of training loads to maximizeperformance and readiness. Droege holds a Bachelors degree inKinesiology, with a concentration in Exercise and Health Sciencefrom the University of Minnesota and a Masters degree in SportCoaching from the University of Denver. He holds his CertifiedStrength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) from the NationalStrength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and his UnitedStates of America Weightlifting Level 1 (USAW-1) from UnitedStates of America Weightlifting (USAW). Droege is currentlypursuing his licensure in massage therapy.

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