Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 2:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.
Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 2:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.
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Guillermo Escalante is currently an Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Dean Fellow for the College of Natural Sciences at California State University, San Bernardino. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training with a Biology Minor and a Master of Business Administration degree with concentrations in Marketing and Healthcare Management from the University of La Verne. He also has a Doctor of Science degree in Athletic Training from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. Escalante is certified as a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC), Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with Distinction (CSCS,*D), and Sports Nutritionist. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, chair of the NSCA Bodybuilding Special Interest Group (SIG), and a science/healthcare business consultant to several businesses. He is a Fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (FISSN).
The NSCA is a recognized 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit dedicated to advancing strength and conditioning research and education for all people.
See Our Mission
National Strength and Conditioning Association
1885 Bob Johnson Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80906