Robyn H Whitehead, PhD

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Robyn Whitehead is an Assistant Professor at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX. Whitehead is currently the Undergraduate Program Coordinator for the Exercise Science concentration in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Science. She is the former Chair of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Exercise and Sport Psychology Special Interest Group (SIG) since 2021. Prior to becoming the Chair, she held an Executive Board Member seat from 2016 2020. She currently holds an advisory role for the Exercise and Sports Psychology SIG. She earned her Doctor of Psychology degree from the University of the Rockies in Health and Exercise Psychology in 2016. Whitehead earned her Masters degree in Sports Administration in 2003 and her undergraduate degree in Exercise Physiology in 2002 from the University of Southern Mississippi. She completed the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-CEP) certification in 2001 and the Primary Group Exercise Instructor Certification from the Athletic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) in 2004.

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