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Which of the following is not outlined as a benefit of using key performance indicators (KPIs)?


Winning a league, tournament, or other championship is an illustration of what measure?


Due to a lack of universal agreement on terminology, many definitions in sports science are proposed. Which of the following is not a definition of performance indicator?


Using strength and maximal power as discriminators of playing level in rugby league, they only accounted for _______ of the variation in playing level.


By using vertical force production as a KPI, the performance staff may be overlooking _________ limiting the transference of gym-based strength to on-field performance.


In some cases, using total distance covered as a KPI has led to __________.


One key factor distinguishing “super-elite” athletes from “elite” athletes in a multidisciplinary developmental biography study was __________.


All athletes being on time for all training sessions is an applied example of which ongoing process tracking characteristic?


In team sports, a ________ climate created by coaches and performance staff is a stronger predictor of player performance than individual psychological factors such as mental toughness and grit


A recent meta-analysis concluded that using ________ goals had a much larger positive effect on athlete performance.


Which of the following is not outlined as a benefit of using key performance indicators (KPIs)?


Winning a league, tournament, or other championship is an illustration of what measure?


Due to a lack of universal agreement on terminology, many definitions in sports science are proposed. Which of the following is not a definition of performance indicator?


Using strength and maximal power as discriminators of playing level in rugby league, they only accounted for _______ of the variation in playing level.


By using vertical force production as a KPI, the performance staff may be overlooking _________ limiting the transference of gym-based strength to on-field performance.


In some cases, using total distance covered as a KPI has led to __________.


One key factor distinguishing “super-elite” athletes from “elite” athletes in a multidisciplinary developmental biography study was __________.


All athletes being on time for all training sessions is an applied example of which ongoing process tracking characteristic?


In team sports, a ________ climate created by coaches and performance staff is a stronger predictor of player performance than individual psychological factors such as mental toughness and grit


A recent meta-analysis concluded that using ________ goals had a much larger positive effect on athlete performance.


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