Earn NSCA CEUs through Publications

Advance the strength and conditioning profession while earning CEUs when you share your knowledge in a publication.

Category B // Earn 0.5 - 3.0 CEUs per publication.   

 You can earn CEUs for published works by authoring or co-authoring articles, abstracts, books, or chapters in books. 

  • 1.5 CEUs for articles in NSCA publications 

  • 1.0 CEU for articles in peer-reviewed journals 

  • 0.5 CEUs for articles in other publications 

  • 1.0 CEUs per published abstract 

  • 1.5 CEUs per published book chapter 

  • 3.0 CEUs per published book 

Interested in submitting for publication in an NSCA publication?


  • Article/abstract/book chapter/book submission must be published.

  • All activities must fall within the scope of practice or be consistent with the DCO for the NSCA certification held. 

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