Earn NSCA CEUs through Committee Work

Help advance the strength and conditioning profession while earning CEUs by volunteering and contributing to an NSCA Committee, Special Interest Group (SIG), or in the State and Provincial Director (SPD) Program

Category B // Earn 0.5 CEUs per year. 

 You can make a difference and provide leadership for the NSCA by serving as ain one of the following capacities: 

  • State/Provincial Director State and Provincial Director (SPD) Program 

  • NSCA committee 

  • SIG Executive Council Special Interest Group (SIG) 

  • NSCA or NSCA Foundation Board of Directors 

  • Accreditation Volunteer Leadership Positions 

  • NSCA Foundation Volunteer Leadership Opportunities 

Note:  Volunteer CEUs will be reported for you upon completion of the term. 

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