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True or False: The authors identified ranking, measuring, and prescription as necessary qualities for selecting an exercise test; A minimum of one of these qualities is recommended for test selection. [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


A coach using GPS to monitor the peak velocity during maximal effort sprints at the end of a warm-up or in practice is an example of which process? [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


What is a coaching behavior that can improve performance testing reliability and outcomes? [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


True or False: According to the authors, the isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) assessment has greater prescriptive and programming value than the 1-3RM back squat test. [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


When selecting performance technology, the accuracy of each ______ must be considered to ensure test validity. [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


Which four factors were identified for making effective training decision? [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


In sport psychology, what does the Prospect Theory suggest related to athlete performance? [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


Directional guidance _______ complexity and _______ efficiency. [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


In the presented strength-power paradigm, power is to rate, as capacity is to ______. [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


True or False: The presented decision tree is a pathway for UFC fighters to progress from strength development into power profiling. [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


True or False: According to the authors, due to the lower barbell displacement to successfully perform a clean, versus a snatch, the loads lifted in the clean are typically 18-20% heavier [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1164]


Identify the phase of the clean and snatch when the greatest force, rate of force development (RFD), and power output are generated. [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1164]


When teaching the clean, which method of instruction is advocated by the NSCA and International Weightlifting Federation? [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1171-1172]


True or False: Verbal instruction for teaching and coaching weightlifting movements should be detailed and internally focused. [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1175-1176]


What is the recommended maximum coach-to-athlete ratio for coaching youth athletes to ensure proper weightlifting technique and establish a safe training environment? [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1179-1180]


Why is the front squat important to teach as part of a clean progression? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


According to the presenter, why is it important to avoid bending the elbows during the barbell RDL-to-Shrug sequence? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


What is the initial phase of the demonstrated snatch progression? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


The appropriate snatch grip width places the bar at the height of the ______? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


What is a recommended strategy for the instruction of Olympic lifts in large group settings? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


True or False: Communicating more frequently is a universal solution for improving effective communication with sport coaches. [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


Two identified components of relationships between strength and conditioning coaches and sport coaches include role ______ and role ______. [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


According to the article, both the sport coach and strength and conditioning coach are responsible for providing guidance for the effective training of athletes? [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


Which of the following is a strategy that a multi-sport college strength and conditioning coach might use to establish effective boundaries with a sport coach? [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


A sport coach sends the strength and conditioning coach a frustrated text message asking about the previous weight room workout of a player who appeared sluggish in practice earlier that afternoon. The strength and conditioning coach sees the message pop up on her apple watch during another team’s workout. [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


What is the purpose of the A-C-T-S process for strength and conditioning coaches? [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


In A-C-T-S, assess refers to the role of the strength and conditioning coach in reflecting on the ______ of their current position. [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


True or False: In A-C-T-S, consider is related to the opportunity for growth and development, including strength and conditioning program needs and priorities[Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


True or False: A-C-T-S is a passive process that relies on the ability of the strength and conditioning coach to demonstrate patience and perseverance towards unmet expectations and challenges in the workplace. [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


The A-C-T-S approach is designed as a mechanism of reflecting on coaching environments in a way that balances expectations with existing ______ and realistic ______. [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


True or False: The authors identified ranking, measuring, and prescription as necessary qualities for selecting an exercise test; A minimum of one of these qualities is recommended for test selection. [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


A coach using GPS to monitor the peak velocity during maximal effort sprints at the end of a warm-up or in practice is an example of which process? [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


What is a coaching behavior that can improve performance testing reliability and outcomes? [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


True or False: According to the authors, the isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) assessment has greater prescriptive and programming value than the 1-3RM back squat test. [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


When selecting performance technology, the accuracy of each ______ must be considered to ensure test validity. [Source: Testing and Profiling – Weakley et al.]


Which four factors were identified for making effective training decision? [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


In sport psychology, what does the Prospect Theory suggest related to athlete performance? [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


Directional guidance _______ complexity and _______ efficiency. [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


In the presented strength-power paradigm, power is to rate, as capacity is to ______. [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


True or False: The presented decision tree is a pathway for UFC fighters to progress from strength development into power profiling. [Source: Decision-Making in S&C – French]


True or False: According to the authors, due to the lower barbell displacement to successfully perform a clean, versus a snatch, the loads lifted in the clean are typically 18-20% heavier [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1164]


Identify the phase of the clean and snatch when the greatest force, rate of force development (RFD), and power output are generated. [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1164]


When teaching the clean, which method of instruction is advocated by the NSCA and International Weightlifting Federation? [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1171-1172]


True or False: Verbal instruction for teaching and coaching weightlifting movements should be detailed and internally focused. [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1175-1176]


What is the recommended maximum coach-to-athlete ratio for coaching youth athletes to ensure proper weightlifting technique and establish a safe training environment? [Source: NSCA Weightlifting Position Statement – pp.1179-1180]


Why is the front squat important to teach as part of a clean progression? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


According to the presenter, why is it important to avoid bending the elbows during the barbell RDL-to-Shrug sequence? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


What is the initial phase of the demonstrated snatch progression? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


The appropriate snatch grip width places the bar at the height of the ______? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


What is a recommended strategy for the instruction of Olympic lifts in large group settings? [Source: Olympic Lifts in a Team Setting – Metzger]


True or False: Communicating more frequently is a universal solution for improving effective communication with sport coaches. [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


Two identified components of relationships between strength and conditioning coaches and sport coaches include role ______ and role ______. [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


According to the article, both the sport coach and strength and conditioning coach are responsible for providing guidance for the effective training of athletes? [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


Which of the following is a strategy that a multi-sport college strength and conditioning coach might use to establish effective boundaries with a sport coach? [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


A sport coach sends the strength and conditioning coach a frustrated text message asking about the previous weight room workout of a player who appeared sluggish in practice earlier that afternoon. The strength and conditioning coach sees the message pop up on her apple watch during another team’s workout. [Source: Coaching Boundaries - Gillham]


What is the purpose of the A-C-T-S process for strength and conditioning coaches? [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


In A-C-T-S, assess refers to the role of the strength and conditioning coach in reflecting on the ______ of their current position. [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


True or False: In A-C-T-S, consider is related to the opportunity for growth and development, including strength and conditioning program needs and priorities[Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


True or False: A-C-T-S is a passive process that relies on the ability of the strength and conditioning coach to demonstrate patience and perseverance towards unmet expectations and challenges in the workplace. [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


The A-C-T-S approach is designed as a mechanism of reflecting on coaching environments in a way that balances expectations with existing ______ and realistic ______. [Source: Alignment of Expectations - DeAngelis]


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