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During the concentric phase of the low-bar back squat, which of the following muscles acts as an antagonist to the gluteus maximus?


Which of the following muscle groups and types of muscle actions are associated with the downward phase of the dumbbell biceps curl?

  Primary muscle group  Primary muscle action 
A elbow extensors eccentric
B elbow flexors eccentric
C elbow flexors concentric


Which of the following rest periods is most appropriate for a middle distance runner performing 800-m running intervals in 2 min?


As compared to males, the potential for force production of females per muscle cross-sectional area is


Which of the following cardiovascular adaptations to chronic aerobic exercise contributes the most to improved aerobic endurance performance?


Which of the following events occurs in the hamstring muscles during the concentric muscle action of leg (knee) curl exercise?


Depletion of which of the following fuel sources hinders marathon performance most?


Which of the following situations would most inspire an athlete with a high motive to achieve success?


Which of the following is a characteristic of Type II muscle fibers?


Which of the following relies predominantly on the phosphagen energy system?


Which of the following muscle actions produces the greatest amount of muscle force?


Which of the following exercises increases axial bone mineral density most?


Which of the following exercises is an example of a first-class lever?


Which of the following muscle actions contributes to increased force production when performing a countermovement jump?


Which of the following increases serum testosterone most during resistance training?


Which of the following decreases as a result of resistance training and increases due to aerobic training?


An exercise session consisting of which of the following modalities results in the largest increase in serum HGH concentration?


A female, college-age athlete began a strength and conditioning program 10 weeks ago. In the weeks following, she continues to see gains in her strength. Which of the following most likely contributes to this change?


An increase in which of the following is a marker of aerobic overtraining?


Use of a weight belt is the most important when performing which of the following exercises at a 1RM load?


An increase in which of the following increases oxygen delivery to the active muscles during acute aerobic exercise?


If calcium is not returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which of the following best describes what occurs in the muscle?


A novice athlete has been following an aerobic endurance training program for 12 months. Which of the following is most likely to occur?


A female marathoner trains at sea-level. She travels to a race venue held at an altitude of 5280 ft (1625 m). Which of the following best describes the immediate physiological effect?


Which of the following is used to calculate power?


Which of the following activities occurs primarily in the transverse plane?


Which of the following may hinder an athlete's focus during competitive sport performance?


Which of the following components stimulate new bone?


Gas exchange during respiration occurs in which of the following structures?


An athlete wants to train the glycolytic and aerobic energy systems. Which of the following rest periods is the most appropriate if she performs work intervals of 60 sec in duration?


Which of the following protocols most closely simulates the metabolic demands of a basketball game?

  Work interval  Intensity (%maximal power) 
A. 10 sec 95%
B. 30 sec 75%
C. 50 sec 55%


Which of the following factors determine the primary energy system used during exercise?


Which of the following involves training loads that are most associated with increases in serum testosterone concentrations?


A parent informs the strength and conditioning professional that her child has been classified as being at Tanner's Stage 1. What does the Tanner classification assess?


Which of the following muscles acts isometrically during the deadlift exercise?


Which of the following exercises involves a second-class lever?


All innervated muscle fibers of a motor unit fully contract when stimulated due to which of the following?


Which of the following increases as an adaptation to chronic resistance training, but decreases as an adaptation to chronic aerobic training?


The latissimus dorsi performs which of the following muscle actions during the upward movement phase of the lat pulldown exercise?


A 12-year-old athlete has been resistance training twice a week for six weeks. Which of the following adaptations contribute the most to training-induced strength gains?


To allow for cross-bridge interactions during muscular contraction, calcium must bind with which of the following?


Which of the following best describes the effect on mechanical advantage as a resistance moment arm shortens?


Which of the following is the most appropriate to stimulate bone growth?


In comparison to an elite Olympic weightlifter, an elite long-distance cyclist will have a greater percentage of which of the following?


A 17-year-old high school tennis player follows an aerobic training program 3 days per week at 70% HRmax for 4 weeks. Which of the following is the most likely to increase?


An 18-year-old collegiate rugby player is participating in a resistance training program. The strength and conditioning professional conducted strength testing every 6 weeks with the following results:

Exercise Pre-testing Week 6 Week 12 Week 18
1 RM Bench Press 200 lb (91 kg) 210 lb (95.5 kg) 215 lb (97.5 kg) 225 lb (102.5 kg)

Which of the following is primarily responsible for the increases in strength during the first 8 weeks?


Which of the following best identifies the joint actions during the upward phase of the push press exercise?


Which of the following is a marker of aerobic overtraining?


Within the biceps brachii muscle, the I-bands lengthen during the downward movement phase of which of the following exercises?


During a single exercise session, which of the following training variables should be decreased to produce a greater adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production capacity?


A high school junior 1600-m runner has been aerobically training for 2 years. She improves her performance time throughout the course of her first season on the team. Which of the following is primarily responsible for her performance increases?


Which of the following will be improved the most by increasing the strength of the hip flexor muscles?


Which of the following accumulates in the working muscle as an athlete exercises at near-maximum intensity?


Which of the following is characterized by a personal desire to improve?


Which of the following will decrease the power output of an athlete performing the snatch exercise?


Which of the following adaptations results from heavy resistance training?


Which of the following muscles acts as an agonist during the second pull of the power clean?


Which of the following cause an athlete's heart rate to increase during the anticipatory period immediately before the start of a race?

  Parasympathetic activity  Sympathetic activity 
A. increase decrease
B. increase increase
C. decrease increase


Which of the following contributes most to shock absorption while running?


During the concentric phase of the low-bar back squat, which of the following muscles acts as an antagonist to the gluteus maximus?


Which of the following muscle groups and types of muscle actions are associated with the downward phase of the dumbbell biceps curl?

  Primary muscle group  Primary muscle action 
A elbow extensors eccentric
B elbow flexors eccentric
C elbow flexors concentric


Which of the following rest periods is most appropriate for a middle distance runner performing 800-m running intervals in 2 min?


As compared to males, the potential for force production of females per muscle cross-sectional area is


Which of the following cardiovascular adaptations to chronic aerobic exercise contributes the most to improved aerobic endurance performance?


Which of the following events occurs in the hamstring muscles during the concentric muscle action of leg (knee) curl exercise?


Depletion of which of the following fuel sources hinders marathon performance most?


Which of the following situations would most inspire an athlete with a high motive to achieve success?


Which of the following is a characteristic of Type II muscle fibers?


Which of the following relies predominantly on the phosphagen energy system?


Which of the following muscle actions produces the greatest amount of muscle force?


Which of the following exercises increases axial bone mineral density most?


Which of the following exercises is an example of a first-class lever?


Which of the following muscle actions contributes to increased force production when performing a countermovement jump?


Which of the following increases serum testosterone most during resistance training?


Which of the following decreases as a result of resistance training and increases due to aerobic training?


An exercise session consisting of which of the following modalities results in the largest increase in serum HGH concentration?


A female, college-age athlete began a strength and conditioning program 10 weeks ago. In the weeks following, she continues to see gains in her strength. Which of the following most likely contributes to this change?


An increase in which of the following is a marker of aerobic overtraining?


Use of a weight belt is the most important when performing which of the following exercises at a 1RM load?


An increase in which of the following increases oxygen delivery to the active muscles during acute aerobic exercise?


If calcium is not returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which of the following best describes what occurs in the muscle?


A novice athlete has been following an aerobic endurance training program for 12 months. Which of the following is most likely to occur?


A female marathoner trains at sea-level. She travels to a race venue held at an altitude of 5280 ft (1625 m). Which of the following best describes the immediate physiological effect?


Which of the following is used to calculate power?


Which of the following activities occurs primarily in the transverse plane?


Which of the following may hinder an athlete's focus during competitive sport performance?


Which of the following components stimulate new bone?


Gas exchange during respiration occurs in which of the following structures?


An athlete wants to train the glycolytic and aerobic energy systems. Which of the following rest periods is the most appropriate if she performs work intervals of 60 sec in duration?


Which of the following protocols most closely simulates the metabolic demands of a basketball game?

  Work interval  Intensity (%maximal power) 
A. 10 sec 95%
B. 30 sec 75%
C. 50 sec 55%


Which of the following factors determine the primary energy system used during exercise?


Which of the following involves training loads that are most associated with increases in serum testosterone concentrations?


A parent informs the strength and conditioning professional that her child has been classified as being at Tanner's Stage 1. What does the Tanner classification assess?


Which of the following muscles acts isometrically during the deadlift exercise?


Which of the following exercises involves a second-class lever?


All innervated muscle fibers of a motor unit fully contract when stimulated due to which of the following?


Which of the following increases as an adaptation to chronic resistance training, but decreases as an adaptation to chronic aerobic training?


The latissimus dorsi performs which of the following muscle actions during the upward movement phase of the lat pulldown exercise?


A 12-year-old athlete has been resistance training twice a week for six weeks. Which of the following adaptations contribute the most to training-induced strength gains?


To allow for cross-bridge interactions during muscular contraction, calcium must bind with which of the following?


Which of the following best describes the effect on mechanical advantage as a resistance moment arm shortens?


Which of the following is the most appropriate to stimulate bone growth?


In comparison to an elite Olympic weightlifter, an elite long-distance cyclist will have a greater percentage of which of the following?


A 17-year-old high school tennis player follows an aerobic training program 3 days per week at 70% HRmax for 4 weeks. Which of the following is the most likely to increase?


An 18-year-old collegiate rugby player is participating in a resistance training program. The strength and conditioning professional conducted strength testing every 6 weeks with the following results:

Exercise Pre-testing Week 6 Week 12 Week 18
1 RM Bench Press 200 lb (91 kg) 210 lb (95.5 kg) 215 lb (97.5 kg) 225 lb (102.5 kg)

Which of the following is primarily responsible for the increases in strength during the first 8 weeks?


Which of the following best identifies the joint actions during the upward phase of the push press exercise?


Which of the following is a marker of aerobic overtraining?


Within the biceps brachii muscle, the I-bands lengthen during the downward movement phase of which of the following exercises?


During a single exercise session, which of the following training variables should be decreased to produce a greater adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production capacity?


A high school junior 1600-m runner has been aerobically training for 2 years. She improves her performance time throughout the course of her first season on the team. Which of the following is primarily responsible for her performance increases?


Which of the following will be improved the most by increasing the strength of the hip flexor muscles?


Which of the following accumulates in the working muscle as an athlete exercises at near-maximum intensity?


Which of the following is characterized by a personal desire to improve?


Which of the following will decrease the power output of an athlete performing the snatch exercise?


Which of the following adaptations results from heavy resistance training?


Which of the following muscles acts as an agonist during the second pull of the power clean?


Which of the following cause an athlete's heart rate to increase during the anticipatory period immediately before the start of a race?

  Parasympathetic activity  Sympathetic activity 
A. increase decrease
B. increase increase
C. decrease increase


Which of the following contributes most to shock absorption while running?


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