RSCC Course Materials 2021

You must purchase this course before attempting to take the quiz. After purchase, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the quiz; you may also return to this page to begin.

To prepare for the renewal quiz, please review the four RSCC Renewal Course videos. You must pass the quiz by answering 7 out of the 10 questions correctly. If you pass, you will earn 0.5 CEUs in Category D.

Videos & Articles

Periodization: It’s More Than Just Programming

by Dr. Greg Haff

Advanced Training for Overhead and Rotational Athletes: Combining Old School and New School Training

 by Dr. Mark Kovacs

Considering the Mental Health of Athletes. NSCA Coach

by Gillham, A. and Pirkl, J.

Developing Powerful Athletes, Part 1: Mechanical Underpinnings. Strength and Conditioning. SCJ

by Turner, A.N., Comfort, P.; McMahon, J., Bishop, C., Chavda, S., Read, P., Mundy, P., and Lake, J..

Developing Powerful Athletes, Part 2: Practical Applications, Strength and Conditioning. SCJ

by Turner, A.N., Comfort, P.; McMahon, J., Bishop, C., Chavda, S., Read, P., Mundy, P., and Lake, J.


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