NSCA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

As an international professional community that supports athletic performance and health, we recognize how we are all impacted by the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. This page has been developed to keep you updated on NSCA’s efforts and activities.

UPDATED June 8, 2021


We have collected some Covid-19 specific resources that may be helpful tools for our strength and conditioning community.

  • Return to Training Resources

    The NSCA’s COVID-19 Return to Training Taskforce has created a guiding document and checklist as resources for strength and conditioning professionals who are part of the organizational planning process at their various institutions and places of business.  The purpose of the guiding document is to compile and summarize pertinent information to support safe and appropriate training practices with teams, athletes, and clients during the expected transition period back to full training activity.  

    View Resources
  • SCJ article, Challenges to Athletes During the Home Confinement Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The article aims to alert athletes to the importance of maintaining a conditioning routine during this confinement period. 

    Read Article
  • NSCA Foundation Relief Grant

    The “NSCA Foundation Relief Grant” will provide a one-time grant of $2,000 to members of the NSCA who have been financially impacted by COVID-19, whether through a decrease in wages or loss of employment that results in a lack of resources to pay for essential expenses.  

    Learn More
  • Insurance Coverage for CPI Members

    The NSCA General Liability coverage will defend CPI members from a negligence claim/lawsuit brought by a client alleging they contracted the Coronavirus during a training session. As you conduct your work, we encourage you to consult CDC's Coronavirus resource page for best practices and fact sheets.

    View CDC Fact Sheets

NSCA Events

 As the country works to recover and return to normal, we will continue to offer online events as well as some in-person events. Safety is a concern and we are following CDC guidelines for all in-person events. For more information, please check the details for each live, in-person event. View our Events

Exam Registrations

The status of our test centers are being updated often as restrictions around the world continue to evolve. Check the NSCA Exam FAQ page for the latest information.  

NSCA International

If you reside in China, Italy, Japan, South Korea, or Spain, contact your country’s NSCA affiliate. Learn More 

Contact the NSCA

If you have questions, the best way to get an answer is to e-mail us. We will work to respond to your questions promptly, usually within one business day. CONTACT US

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