
Abstract submissions are open yearly from November to March (exact dates change annually). Research abstract presentations are an opportunity to present current research findings to researchers and strength and conditioning professionals at the NSCA National Conference.

The research abstracts are the largest portion of the scientific programs presented every year at the National Conference. Previously presented abstracts (and electronic posters) are available below through our partner, eventScribe. Using eventScribe, you can "bookmark" your favorite poster, attach notes to a poster, and create a personalized summary of the posters that interest you.

Planning to submit and abstract? Please review the Abstract Submission and Presentation Guidelines.

2024 Student Research Award Winners

Outstanding Doctoral Podium Presentation

Name School Title

Allen Redinger

Oklahoma State University

Seasonal lower body musculoskeletal and neuromuscular adaptations in NCAA Division I cross-country athletes

Outstanding Master’s Podium Presentation

Name School Title

Shane Murphy

Carroll University

Braking force-time characteristics between traditional squats and flywheel inertia squats at different loads

Doctoral Posters

Name School Title

Emma Worley

University of South Carolina

Injury characteristics among NCAA Division I football players over the course of one year

Master’s Poster

Name School Title

Shyanne Best

University of Tampa

Can heart rate band duration predict total distance in collegiate women's soccer

Undergraduate Poster

Name School Title

Rianne Moll

Ursinus College

Effect of music type on performance and perception during resistance training

Abstracts Supported by NSCA Foundation Grants

Grants from the NSCA Foundation

 Learn more about NSCA Foundation Grants

2022 Body composition and ACFT scores
2022 Aerobic ability and the ACFT
2022 Lower body power, grip strength and the ACFT
2022 Differing hip extensor strategies for lateral versus medial rotation squats
2022 Parental nutrition knowledge and disordered eating risk in female athletes
2022 Relationship between muscle morphology, strength, and load-velocity in older adults
2022 Effect of velocity based training on load velocity profile
2021 Leukocyte response to high-volume  squats: influence of sex
2021 Tapering increases myosin-heavy chain IIa and maximal strength
2021 Progressive high-intensity interval on maximal oxygen consumption
2021 Modified four compartment model measurements in ethnic minority groups
2021 Performance Recovery Between Men and Women Following Resistance Exercise
2021 Comparing menstrual status and force development after resistance exercise
2021 Contraction Specific Muscle Activation of the Elbow Flexors
2021 Force production recovery following three different fatiguing contraction types
2021 Isokinetic muscle actions in pre- versus post-pubescent males and females
2021 Essential amino acids and high-intensity interval training
2021  Association of muscle quality with phase angle and characteristic frequency
2021 Continuous cycling training alters motor unit behavior in untrained men 
2020   Sex differences in patterns of muscle activation
2020   The effects of a seven-week sprint vs Nordic training intervention

Practical timing strategies to optimize pre-exercise plasma caffeine concentration

2020   High-intensity interval training and essential amino acids
2020   Short-term high-intensity interval training and quadriceps muscle volume

Maximal contractions cause similar fatigue regardless of contraction type

2020   Corticospinal excitability adaptations following six weeks of cycle-based HIIT
2020   Lower body asymmetries in university athletes
2020   Aerobic training and motor unit control properties
2020   Effect of different muscle contraction modes on rapid force capabilities

The influence of isometric strength specificity on functional task abilities

2020   Segmental bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy to assess muscle size and quality
2020   Changes in strength and soreness following acute exercise
2020   Physical and mental quality of life in career firefighters
2020   Corrective exercise programming and functional movement quality of firefighters
2020   Continuous cycling training and mechanomyographic mean power frequency
2020   Effects of resistance training in adults with down syndrome
2020  Sports nutrition knowledge between parents and adolescent female athletes
2020   Retention of adaptations from a sprint or Nordic training intervention
2019 Hematological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training, and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training 
2018 The Test-Retest Reliability of a Portable Upper-Body Isometric Strength Test in Probation Officers 
2018 The Motor Unit Mean Firing Rate Versus Recruitment Threshold Relationship is Unaffected by Strength and Conditioning Participation in Middle-School Boys 
2018 Nutrient Timing in Resistance-Trained Females and its Effects on Strength, Body Composition, and Acute Metabolic Adaptations 
2017 Effect of Cluster Sets on Movement Mechanics
2017 Influence of Resistance Exercise and Alcohol on Leukocytes in Females
2017 Motor Unit Sizes in Overfat Children
2017 Muscle Quality in Boys
2017 Effect of Heavy Upper Body Resistance Exercise on Circulating Leukocytes
2017 Influence of Probiotics on Body Composition in Shift-Workers
2017 Effects of Hypohydration on Muscular Performance in Females
2016 Effect of Acute Alcohol Ingestion on Resistance Exercise-Induced Motor Signaling in Men 
2016 The Role of Forskolin Supplementation Supplementation on Resting Skeletal Muscle Cyclicamp Concentration in Humans 
2016 Comparison of On-vs.-Off Duty Sleep, Physical Activity, and Heart Rate Variability in Professional Firefighters
2016 Ten Weeks Full Squat Training in Persons with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Preliminary Results 
2016 Glucocorticoid Receptor Content After Heavy Squat Exercise is not Affected By Acute Ethanol Consumption 
2016 General and Sport Specific High-Intensity Interval Training in Youth Taekwondo Athletes 
2014 The Effects of Various Resistance TRaining on Bodyweight, Fat Mass, Body Fat Percentage, and Visceral Adipose Tissue in Physically Active Males 
2014 Effect of Inorganic Nitrite Consumption on Oxygen Consumption During Submaximal Exercise in Trained and Untrained Runners 
2014 Sustainability, Physiological and Perceptual Responses at the Critical Heart Rate During Treadmill Running 
2014 The Acute Effect of Exercise and Nutrition on Energy Expenditure in Women
2014 Leukocyte 1GF-1 Receptor Expression During Muscle Recovery 
2014 Acute Effects of an Arginine-Based Supplement on Metabolic, Ventilatory, and Neuromuscular Fatigue Thresholds
2013 Changes in Medal Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Interaction Following 8 weeks of Resistance Training 
2013 The Effect of Training Status and Fatigure on Muscle Length Change During Jumping 
2013 Changes in Medal Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Interaction with an Increase in Movement Frequency 
2013 Evening Protein Consumption and Exercise: Health and Performance Comes 
2012 Post-Workout Considerations for Recovery from Muscle Damage: Nutrient Timing and Chocolate Milk 
2012 Influence of Fatigue on Impulse During Repetitive Hopping 
2012 Changes in Mechanical Efficiency During Repetitive Hopping in Long Distance Runners
2012 Differential Quadriceps Femoris Muscle-Tendon Unit Anatomical Adaptations in Response to Dquat Versus Jump Squat Training 
2010 Effects of Aging on Intramuscular ATP and Creatine 
2009 The Long-Term Effects Of Resisted Sprint Training Using Weighted Sleds Versus Weighted Vests
2009 Training Experience Alters Myosin Heavy Chain Relationships With Performance
2008 Effect of Loading and Deloading on Power Output During the Jump Squat 
2008 Acute High Load, High Power Resistance Exercise Activities a Stress REsponding Signaling Pathway in Male Weightlifters 
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