A Mindful Lift – Benefits of Mindful Meditation in Strength and Conditioning – Part 2

by Meagan Wilson, Elizabeth Hope, and Brian Gearity, PhD, ATC, CSCS,*D, FNSCA
NSCA Coach March 2021
Vol 7, Issue 4


Part 2 of this article series explores the possible benefits of mindful meditation for coach development as well as how it can improve reflective practice and the coach-athlete relationship.

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2. Antanaitis, A. Mindfulness in the workplace: Benefits and strategies to integrate mindfulness-based programs in the workplace. Journal: The Official Publication of the Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association 34(2): 39, 2015.

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6. Fletcher, D, and Scott, M. Psychological stress in sports coaches: A review of concepts and practice. Journal of Sports Sciences 28(2): 127–137, 2010.

7. Flook, L, Goldberg, SB, Pinger, L, Bonus, K, and Davidson, RJ. Mindfulness for teachers: A pilot study to assess effects on stress, burnout, and teaching efficacy. Mind, Brain, and Education 7(3): 182–195, 2013.

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9. Gardner, FL, and Moore, ZE. The Psychology of Enhancing Human Performance: The Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) Approach. New York: Springer; 2007.

10. Gelles, D. Mindful Work: How Meditation is Changing Business from the Inside Out. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 2015.

11. Gilbert, WD, and Trudel, P. Learning to coach through experience: Reflection in model youth sport coaches. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 21: 16–34, 2001.

12. Goldstein, J. Insight Meditation: A Psychology of Freedom. Shambhala Publications; 2003.

13. Hanin, Y. Fear of failure in the context of competitive sport: A commentary. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching 3: 185–189, 2008.

14. Kabat-Zinn, J. Full Catastrophe Living. New York, NY: Bantam; 1990.

15. Kabat-Zinn, J. Mindfulness for Beginners. Louisville, CO: Sounds True; 2006.

16. Kelley, BC, and Baghurst, T. Development of the coaching issues survey (CIS). The Sport Psychologist 23: 367–387, 2009.

17. Kuklick, CR, and Gearity, BT. A review of reflective practice and its application for the football strength and conditioning coach. Strength and Conditioning Journal 37(6): 43-51, 2015.

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21. Longshore, K, and Sachs, M. Mindfulness training for coaches: A mixed-method exploratory study. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 9(2): 116-137, 2015.

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24. Schön, DA. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action (Vol. 5126). Basic Books; 1984.

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26. Siegel, D. Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation. New York: Random House; 2010.

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29. Wolever, RQ, Schwartz, ER, and Schoenberg, PL. Mindfulness in corporate America: Is the Trojan horse ethical? The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 24(5): 403-406, 2018.

30. Young, S. The Science of Enlightenment: How Meditation Works. Louisville, CO: Sounds True; 2016.

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Meagan Wilson

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Elizabeth Hope

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Brian T. Gearity, PhD, MBA, ATC, CSCS, RSCC*D, FNSCA

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Brian Gearity is Director and Professor of the Master of Arts inSport Coaching Program and the Graduate Certificate in Strengthand Conditioning and Fi ...

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