A Creative Mind in the Professional Development of a Strength and Conditioning Coach

by Gary Stebbing, PGDIP, CSCS,*D
NSCA Coach June 2024
Vol 11, Issue 1

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This article discusses the importance of a creative and open mind in strength and conditioning coaches, as well as tips to develop it.

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This article originally appeared in NSCA Coach, a quarterly publication for NSCA Members that provides valuable takeaways for every level of strength and conditioning coach. You can find scientifically based articles specific to a wide variety of your athletes’ needs with Nutrition, Programming, and Youth columns. Read more articles from NSCA Coach »

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  2. Cuthbert, M, Haff, GH, McMahon, JJ, Evans, M, and Comfort, P. Microdosing: A conceptual framework for use as a programming strategy for resistance training in team sports. Published ahead of print. Strength and Conditioning Journal 2022.
  3. Foster, C. How to succeed as an athlete: What we know, what we need to know. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 17, 333-334, 2022.
  4. Foster, C. Sport science: Progress, hubris, and humility. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 14: 141-143, 2019.
  5. Gardner, H. Five Minds for The Future. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press; 2007.
  6. Gardner, H. Five minds for the future: An overview. Journal of Educational Sciences and Psychology 63(2): 1-11, 2011.
  7. Grant, MA, and Dorgo, S. Developing expertise in strength and conditioning coaching. Strength and Conditioning Journal 36(1): 9-15, 2014.
  8. Jeffreys, I. The five minds of the modern strength and conditioning coach: The challenges for professional development. Strength and Conditioning Journal 36(1): 2-8, 2014.
  9. Jones, MT. A model to create initial experiential learning opportunities in strength and conditioning. Strength and Conditioning Journal 37(5): 40-46, 2015.
  10. Lockerbie, J, Maiden, N, Wolf, A, and Zachos, K. Sport frei: Supporting creative thinking in professional coaches. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, 28-29 October 2021.
  11. Maryland, K, Haugegaard, R, and Shapiro, A. Thinkers at the cutting edge: Innovation in the Danish special forces. In: Christensen, GH (Ed) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Special Operations Forces 91-92, 2017.
  12. Peer, KS. Five minds for the future: Shaping the future through education. Athletic Training Education Journal 9(1): 3-4, 2014.
  13. Pol, R, Balague, N, Ric, A, Torrents, C, Kiely, J, and Hristovski, R. Training or synergizing? Complex systems principles change the understanding of sport processes. Sports Medicine - Open 6(1): 28, 2020.
  14. Rocca, E, and Arjun, RL. Complexity, reductionism, and the biomedical model. In: Anjum, RL, Copeland, S, Rocca, E (Eds) Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient Springer Link; 75-94, 2020.
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  16. Siegal, DJ. The mind in psychotherapy: An interpersonal neurobiology framework for understanding and cultivating mental health Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 92: 224-237, 2019.
  17. Turner, AN, and Comfort, P. Advanced Strength and Conditioning An Evidence Based Approach, 2nd Edition. Routledge: New York, NY; 2022.
  18. Moore, A. Do/Design/ Why Beauty is key to everything. United Kingdom; The Do Book Company; 2016.
About the author

Gary S. Stebbing, CSCS,*D

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Gary Stebbing is based in the United Kingdom. His primary areas of interest are building excellence and human performance design. He studied Sport and ...

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