Integrating Anaerobic Speed Reserve, Intermittent Fitness Test, and Maximum Aerobic Speed Tests for Comprehensive Fitness Evaluation in Soccer

by Varun Ghosh, MSc, CSCS
NSCA Coach November 2023
Vol 10, Issue 3

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This article aims to explain why integrating multiple tests such as Anaerobic Speed Reserve (ASR), Intermittent Fitness Test (IFT), and Maximum Aerobic Speed (MAS) can provide a comprehensive evaluation of soccer players’ fitness levels and help to design effective training programs tailored to their individual needs.

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Photo of Varun Ghosh, CSCS, RSCC
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Varun Ghosh, CSCS, RSCC

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Varun Ghosh is an experienced strength and conditioning coach based in India with a passion for optimizing athletes performance. He earned a Master of ...

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