The Double-Knee Bend—Characteristics and Coaching Points

by William Cedar, CSCS, Guy Hornsby, PhD, CSCS,*D, Satoshi Mizuguchi, CSCS, and Michael Stone, PhD, CSCS, FNSCA
NSCA Coach September 2019
Vol 6, Issue 2

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The purpose of this article is to present and discuss the phases of the pull that precede the power position, as well as present some suggestions for how to coach these positions.

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1. Bartonietz, KE. Biomechanics of the snatch: Towards a higher training efficiency. Strength and Conditioning Journal 18(3): 24-31, 1996.

2. Beckham, GK, Sato, K, Santana, HAP, Mizuguchi, S, Haff, GG, and Stone, MH. Effect of body position on force production during the isometric mid-thigh pull. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 32(1): 48-56, 2018.

3. Deweese, BH, Serrano, AJ, Scruggs, SK, and Burton, JD. The midthigh pull: Proper application and progressions of a weightlifting movement derivative. Strength and Conditioning Journal 35(6): 54-58, 2013.

4. Deweese, BH, Suchomel, TJ, Serrano, AJ, Burton, JD, Scruggs, SK, and Taber, CB. Pull from knee: Proper technique and application. Strength and Conditioning Journal 38(1): 79-85, 2016.

5. Enoka, RM. The pull in Olympic weightlifting. Medicine and Science in Sports 11(2): 131-137, 1979.

6. Garhammer, J. Power clean: Kinesiological evaluation. NSCA Journal June-July: 40, 61-63, 1984.

7. Garhammer, J. Biomechanical profiles of Olympic weightlifters. International Journal of Sport Biomechanics 1: 122-130, 1985.

8. Garhammer, J, and Gregor, R. Propulsion forces as a function of intensity for weightlifting and vertical jumping. Journal of Applied Sport Science Research 6(3): 129-134, 1992.

9. Garhammer, J, and Taylor, L. Center of pressure movements during weightlifting. In: Terauds, J, Barthels, K, Kreighbaum, R, Mann, R, and Crkaes, J (Eds.), Sports Biomechanics. Del Mar, CA: Academic Publishers; 279-291, 1984.

10. Gourgoulis, V, Aggelousis, N, Mavromatis, G, and Garas, A. Three-dimensional kinetic analysis of the snatch of elite Greek weightlifters. Journal of Sports Sciences 18: 643-652, 2000.

11. Hamill, BP. Relative safety of weightlifting and weight training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 8(1): 53-57, 1984.

12. Hornsby, G, Cedar, W, Mizuguchi, S, and Stone, M. The power position—characteristics and coaching points. NSCA Coach 5(1): 6-11, 2018.

13. Roman, RA. The Training of the Weightlifter. Charniga, A (Trans.). Livonia, MI: Sportivny Press; 2-14, 1988.

14. Schilling, BK, Stone, MH, O’Bryant, HS, Fry, AC, Coglianese, RH, and Pierce, KC. Snatch technique of collegiate national level weightlifters. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 16(4): 551-555, 2002.

15. Stone, MH, O’Bryant, HS, Williams, FE, Pierce, KC, and Johnson, RL. Analysis of bar paths during the snatch in elite male weightlifters. Strength and Conditioning 20(5): 56-64, 1998.

16. Stone, MH, Pierce, KC, Sands, WA, and Stone, ME. Weightlifting: A brief overview. Strength and Conditioning Journal 28(1): 50-66, 2006.

17. Suchomel, TJ, Comfort, P, and Lake, JP. Enhancing the forcevelocity profile of athletes using weightlifting derivatives. Strength and Conditioning Journal 39(1): 10-20, 2017.

18. Suchomel, TJ, Comfort, P, and Stone, MH. Weightlifting pulling derivatives: Rationale for implementation and application. Sports Medicine 45(6): 823-839, 2015.

19. Suchomel, TJ, and Sole, CJ. Power-time curve comparison between weightlifting derivatives. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 16(3): 407-413, 2017.

20. Vorobyev, A. A Textbook on Weightlifting. Brice, WJ (Trans.). Budapest, Hungary: International Weightlifting Federation, 1978.

21. Whitehead, PN, Schilling, BK, Stone, MH, Kilgore, JL, and Chio, LFZ. Snatch technique of United States national level weightlifters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(3): 587-591, 2014.

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William Cedar, CSCS

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William G. Hornsby III, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D

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Satoshi Mizuguchi, CSCS

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Michael H. Stone, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA

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