Understanding Low Back Pain for Golfers

by Shawn LaCourt, DC, CSCS, Trevor Shaw, DC, DACRB, CSCS, Shane Carter, DC, MBA, FIAMA, and Adam Sergent, DC, DACBSP, DACRB
NSCA Coach April 2024
Vol 10, Issue 4

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The purpose of this article is to discuss the biomechanics of the golf swing and injury prevention management that could result in improved movement throughout the golf swing and lower the recurrence of lower back pain.

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This article originally appeared in NSCA Coach, a quarterly publication for NSCA Members that provides valuable takeaways for every level of strength and conditioning coach. You can find scientifically based articles specific to a wide variety of your athletes’ needs with Nutrition, Programming, and Youth columns. Read more articles from NSCA Coach »

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  1. Arnold, E, La Barrie, J, DaSilva, L, Patti, M, Goode, A, and Clewley, D. The effect of timing of physical therapy for acute low back pain on health services utilization: A systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 100(7): 1324–1338, 2019.
  2. Cole, MH, and Grimshaw, PN. (2016). The biomechanics of the modern golf swing: Implications for lower back injuries. Sports Medicine 46(3): 339-351, 2016.
  3. Gluck, GS, Bendo, JA, and Spivak, JM. The lumbar spine and low back pain in golf: A literature review of swing biomechanics and injury prevention. The Spine Journal 8(5):778-788, 2008.
  4. Gould, Z, Oliver, J, Lloyd, R, Neil, R, and Bull, M. The golf movement screen is related to spine control and X-factor of the golf swing in low handicap golfers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35(1): 240-246, 2021.
  5. İlhan Odabaş, H, Bulgan, Ç, Bingül, BM, and Sarpyener, K. The evaluation of foot pressure and postural structure of national golfers. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 53(2): 150-153, 2019.
  6. Kim, B, and Yim, J. Core stability and hip exercises improve physical function and activity in patients with non-specific low back pain: A randomized controlled trial. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 251(3): 193-206, 2020.
  7. Marta, S, Silva, L, Vaz, JR, Castro, MA, Reinaldo, G, and Pezarat- Correia, P. Electromyographic analysis of the lower limb muscles in low- and high-handicap golfers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 87(3): 318-324, 2016.
  8. Murray, AD, Archibald, D, Murray, IR, Hawkes, RA, Foster, C, Barker, K, et al. 2018 international consensus statement on golf and health to guide action by people, policymakers and the golf industry. British Journal of Sports Medicine 52(22): 1426-14361, 2018.
  9. Read, PJ, and Lloyd, RS. Strength and conditioning considerations for golf. Strength and Conditioning Journal 36(5): 24-33, 2014.
  10. Russo, M, Deckers, K, Eldabe, S, Kiesel, K, Gilligan, C, Vieceli, J, and Crosby, P. Muscle control and non-specific chronic low back pain. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 21(1): 1-9, 2018.
  11. Saraceni, N, Kemp-Smith, K, O’Sullivan, P, and Campbell, A. The relationship between lead hip rotation and low back pain in golfers—A pilot investigation. International Journal of Golf Science 6(2): 130-141, 2017.
  12. Smith, JA, Hawkins, A, Grant-Beuttler, M, Beuttler, R, and Lee, S-P. Risk factors associated with low back pain in golfers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach 10(6): 538-546, 2018.
  13. Steele, KM, Roh, EY, Mahtani, G, Meister, DW, Ladd, AL, and Rose, J. Golf swing rotational velocity: The essential followthrough. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 42(5): 713-721, 2018.
  14. Tsai, Y-S, Sell, TC, Smoliga, JM, Myers, JB, Learman, KE, and Lephart, SM. A comparison of physical characteristics and swing mechanics between golfers with and without a history of low back pain. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 40(7):430-438, 2010.
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Shawn Michael Lacourt, DC, CSCS

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Shawn LaCourt earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Northern Michigan University in Sport Science. In 2009, LaCourt earned his Doctor of Chiropra ...

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Trevor Shaw, DC, CSCS

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Trevor Shaw is a 2010 Palmer College of Chiropractic graduate, where he is also currently the Head of Clinical Rehabilitation and Sports Performance. ...

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Shane Carter earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Rollins College and went on to graduate Magna cum Laude from the first graduating class of Palmer ...

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Adam Sergent earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Madonna University in Michigan and went on to earn his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Palm ...

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