Unintended Consequences of Too Much Discipline

by Clayton Kuklick, MA, PhD, CSCS and Brian T. Gearity, PhD, ATC, CSCS,*D, FNSCA
NSCA Coach December 2018
Vol 5, Issue 3


This article reviews the day-to-day operations of a strength and conditioning coach in the collegiate setting and identifies key factors that affect common coaching practices and athletic performance. Development of a dominant coaching style in controlling time, space, flow, and efficiency is examined to avoid problems and unintended negative consequences.

This article originally appeared in NSCA Coach, a quarterly publication for NSCA Members that provides valuable takeaways for every level of strength and conditioning coach. You can find scientifically based articles specific to a wide variety of your athletes’ needs with Nutrition, Programming, and Youth columns. Read more articles from NSCA Coach »

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1. Avner, Z, Denison, J, and Markula, P. Good athletes have fun: A Foucauldian reading of university coaches’ uses of fun. Sports Coaching Review: 1-19; 2017.

2. Barker-Ruchti, N, and Tinning, R. Foucault in leotards: Corporeal discipline in women’s artistic gymnastics. Sociology of Sport Journal 27: 229-250, 2010.

3. Chase, LF. (Un)disciplined bodies: A Foucauldian analysis of women’s rugby. Sociology of Sport Journal 23: 229-247, 2006.

4. Davis, L, Appleby, R, Davis, P, Wetherell, M, and Gustafsson, H. The role of coach-athlete relationship quality in team sport athletes’ psychophysiological exhaustion: Implications for physical and cognitive performance. Journal of Sports Sciences 36(17): 1985-1992; 2018.

5. Denison, J. Michel Foucault: Power and discourse: The ‘loaded’ language of coaching. In: Jones, RL, Potrac, P, Cushion, C, and Ronglan, LT. (Eds.), The Sociology of Sports Coaching. New York: Routledge; 27-39, 2011.

6. Denison, J. Planning, practice and performance: The discursive formation of coaches’ knowledge. Sport, Education and Society 15: 461–478, 2010.

7. Denison, J. Social theory for coaches: A Foucauldian reading of one athlete’s poor performance. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching 2: 369-383, 2007.

8. Dorgo, S. Unfolding the practical knowledge of an expert strength and conditioning coaches. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching 4(1): 17-30, 2009.

9. Duehring, MD, Feldman, CR, and Ebben, WP. Strength and conditioning practices of the United States high school strength and conditioning coaches. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 23(8): 2188-2203; 2009.

10. Foucault, M. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York, NY: Random House; 1977.

11. Gearity, BT, and Mills, JP. Discipline and punish in the weight room. Sports Coaching Review 1(2): 124-134, 2012.

12. Kuklick, C, and Gearity, BT. Is athlete “buy-in” all what it is cracked up to be? An analysis of strength and conditioning coach talk discourse. NSCA Coach 5(1): 32-36, 2018.  

13. Johns, DP, and Johns, JS. Surveillence, subjectivism and technologies of power: An analysis of the discursive practice of high-performance sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 35(2): 219-234, 2000.

14. Jowett, S, and Cockerill, IM. Olympic medalists’ perspective of the athlete–coach relationship. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 4(4): 313-331, 2003.

15. Lang, M. Surveillance and conformity in competitive youth swimming. Sport, Education and Society 15(1): 19-37, 2010.

16. Markula, P, and Pringle, R. Knowledge and truth: Discursive construction of the fit and healthy body. In: Markula, P, and Pringle, T. (Eds.), Foucault, Sport, and Exercise: Power, Knowledge and Transforming the Self. New York, NY: Routledge; 2006.

17. Shogan, D. The Making of High-Performance Athletes: Discipline, Diversity, and Ethics. Toronto, CA: University of Toronto Press; 1999.

About the author

Clayton Kuklick, PhD, MA, CSCS

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Clayton Kuklick is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Master ofArts in Sport Coaching Program at the University of Denver, CO,where he teaches a va ...

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About the author

Brian T. Gearity, PhD, MBA, ATC, CSCS, RSCC*D, FNSCA

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Brian Gearity is Director and Professor of the Master of Arts inSport Coaching Program and the Graduate Certificate in Strengthand Conditioning and Fi ...

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