A Process Evaluation of a Six-Week Fitness Program on Firefighter Recruits

by Bridget Ann Frugoli Melton, EdD, CSCS, TSAC-F, Gregory A. Ryan, PhD, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F, Brandon Loewen, CSCS, and Macy Weeks
TSAC Report June 2020
Vol 56, Issue 6


The purpose of this article was to conduct a process evaluation of a six-week recruit strength and conditioning programming for rural structural firefighter recruits.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

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1. Alvar, BA, Sell, K, and Deuster, RA. NSCA’s Essentials of tactical strength and conditioning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2017.

2. American College of Sport Medicine. ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer, 87-88, 2018.

3. Bennett, JR. Suggested strategies for developing and retaining fire fitness trainers. TSAC Report 40: 8-11, 2016.

4. Cambell, R. Patterns of firefighter fire ground injuries. NFPA. org National Fire Protection Association. 2016. Retrieved October 2018 from https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/News-and- Research/Fire-statistics-and-reports/Emergency-responders/ ospatterns.pdf.

5. Cornell, DJ, Gnacinski, SL, Meyer, BB, and Ebersole, KT. Changes in Health and Fitness in Firefighter Recruits: An Observational Cohort Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 49(11): 2223-2233, 2017.

6. FireRecruit.com. How to join a fire academy. Updated August 30, 2017. Accessed on Nov 21, 2019 https://www.firerecruit.com/ articles/1063903-How-to-join-a-fire-academy.

7. International Association of Fire Fighters. The Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Initiative. 2008. Retrieved March 1, 2019 from https://www.iafc.org/docs/defaultsource/ 1safehealthshs/wfi-manual.pdf?sfvrsn=7931df0d_5.

8. Michaelides, MA, Parpa, KM, Thompson, J, and Brown, B. Predicting performance on a firefighter’s ability test from fitness parameters. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 79(4): 468-475, 2008.

9. Michaelides, MA, Parpa, KM, Henry, LJ, Thompson, J, and Brown, B. Assessment of physical fitness aspects and their relationship to firefighters’ job duties. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 25(4): 956-965, 2011.

10. Morris, C, and Chander, H. The impact of firefighter physical fitness on job ferformance: A review of the factors that influence fire suppression safety and success. Safety 4(4): 60, 2018.

11. National Fire Protection Association. NFPA 1582: Standard on comprehensive occupational medical program for fire departments. Quincey, MA: National Fire Protection Association; 2015.

12. Nazari, G, MacDermid, JC, Sinden, KE, and Overend, TJ. The relationship between physical fitness and simulated firefighting task performance. Rehabilitation Research and Practice; 2018.

13. Pawlak, R, Clasey, JL, Palmer, T, Symons, TB, and Abel, MG. The effect of a novel tactical training program on physical fitness and occupational performance in firefighters. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 29(3): 578-588, 2015.

14. Rhea, MR, Alvar, BA, and Gray, R. Physical fitness and job performance of firefighters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 18(2): 348-352, 2004.

15. Smith, D. Firefighter fitness: Improving performance and preventing injuries and fatalities. Current Sports Medicine Reports 10(3): 167-172, 2011.

16. Scofield, DE, and Kardouni, JR. The tactical athlete: A product of 21st century strength and conditioning. Strength and Conditioning Journal 37(4): 2-7, 2015.

17. Stevenson, RD, Siddall, AG, Turner, PF, Bilzon, JL. Physical employment standards for UUK firefighters: Minimum strength and endurance requirements. Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine 59(1): 74-79, 2017.

18. Sotos-Prieto, M, Jin, Q, Rainey, D, Coyle, M, Kales, SN. Barriers and solutions to improving nutrition among fire academy recruits: A qualitative assessment. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 70(6): 771-779, 2019.

19. The SWOT analysis: Simple, yet effective. Athletic Therapy Today 11(6): 53-55, 2006.

About the author

Bridget Ann Frugoli Melton, EdD, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D

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Gregory A. Ryan, PhD, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D

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Greg Ryan currently works as an Assistant Professor of ExerciseScience and Graduate Program Coordinator at Georgia SouthernUniversity. Ryan also is th ...

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Brandon Loewen

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