Implementation of an Educational Fitness Training Class for Future Law Enforcement Professionals

by Carrie Ellis, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
TSAC Report August 2023
Vol 69, Issue 3

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This article outlines a potential learning course intended for students in undergraduate criminal justice and homeland security majors to improve their physical health literacy and health-related behaviors.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

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  11. Nabeel, I, Baker, BA, McGrail, MP, and Flottemesch, TJ. Correlation between physical activity, fitness, and musculoskeletal injuries in police officers. Minnesota Medicine 90(9): 40-43, 2007.
  12. Ramey, SL, Downing, NR, and Franke, WD. Milwaukee police department retirees: Cardiovascular disease risk and morbidity among aging law enforcement officers. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Journal 57(11): 448-453, 2009.
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  15. Sawyer, S, Schram, B, Pope, R, and Orr, R. Profiling the injuries sustained by police trainees undergoing initial training: A retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(14): 7335, 2021.
  16. Steinhardt, M, Greenhow, L, and Stewart, J. The relationship of physical activity and cardiovascular fitness to absenteeism and medical care claims among law enforcement officers. American Journal of Health Promotion 5(6): 455-460, 1991.
  17. Varvarigou, V, Farioli, A, Korre, M, Sato, S, Dahabreh, IJ, and Kales, SN. Law enforcement duties and sudden cardiac death among police officers in United States: Case distribution study. BMJ (Online): 349, 2014.
  18. Violanti, JM, Hartley, TA, Gu, JK, Fekedulegn, D, Andrew, ME, and Burchfiel, CM. Life expectancy in police officers: A comparison with the U.S. general population HHS public access. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health 15(4): 217, 2013.
  19. Zimmerman, FH. Cardiovascular disease and risk factors in law enforcement personnel: A comprehensive review. Cardiology in Review 20(4): 159-166, 2012.
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