From the Ground to Space – Utilization of a Flywheel Device Across Tactical Populations

by Yannick Laflamme, MHK, CSCS, and Etienne Chassé, MSc, CSEP-CEP
TSAC Report August 2024
Vol 73, Issue 1


This article will present insights on flywheel training, the methodology used to develop exercise prescription, and observations following these exercise prescription constraints.

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During spaceflight missions, exposure to microgravity (virtual absence of gravity) results in deconditioning of several physiological systems, potentially leading to impaired physical condition and performance in astronauts (5,12,18,28). Physical exercise is the cornerstone of strategies to mitigate physical deconditioning during spaceflight (5,6). Decades of research and operational experience have enabled the development of optimized exercise strategies and equipment onboard the International Space Station (ISS); however, the effects of microgravity cannot be completely eliminated (5,18).

In 2017, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the Artemis Program with the aim of returning to the moon and beyond (22). Deep space exploration will place further operational, technical, and logistical constraints upon the use of exercise as a countermeasure to partial gravity and microgravity. For example, the spacecrafts will have much less volumetric space for exercise and equipment compared to the ISS. Longer duration missions (e.g., up to three years for a Martian mission) will impose a longer exposure to microgravity than low Earth orbit missions, such as traveling to the ISS, highlighting the need for continued research and development of physical deconditioning countermeasures.

The Orion spacecraft is the vehicle designed for early Artemis missions. Orion has a habitable volume of 330 cubic feet (comparable to the habitable volume of a large sport utility vehicle [SUV]) and can support four crewmembers (23). Thus, a small, lightweight device, requiring no power yet providing high resistance is required for exercise countermeasures. An inertial flywheel was identified as the most suitable option to meet this need.

Inertial training using a flywheel dates back to the early 1990s (2,8,11,18). The utilization of flywheel exercises was initially proposed as a countermeasure to mitigate the known effects of microgravity during long-duration space travel; however a flywheel was not adopted as a nominal exercise device for the ISS (6,13,24). Despite the growing terrestrial use of flywheels in the last few years, especially in the performance and rehabilitation settings, there is still a gap in the literature. More research is needed to provide precise recommendations on how to design exercise sessions and prescribe volume and intensity in flywheel exercises using a systematic approach, especially among tactical populations (3,13,16).

The first crewed Artemis mission (Artemis II) will evaluate the operational feasibility of using a flywheel device for exercise in this confined environment. Exercise prescriptions are bound by the following requirements: 1) 30 min of exercise per day per crewmember, 2) the flywheel device is the only exercise device and can be used for resistance and aerobic sessions, and 3) there is a limited number of approved exercises. In preparation for supporting the crew on this mission, which includes a Canadian astronaut, the authors have been developing methods to prescribe exercise on a flywheel. This article will present insights on the methodology used to develop exercise prescription and observations following these exercise prescription constraints. This methodology is relevant to other settings that different tactical populations may face during operations.

This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

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Yannick Laflamme, CSCS

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Yannick Laflamme works as the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Space Health Operations Exercise Specialist focusing on strength and conditioning of CSA ast ...

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Etienne Chasse, MSC

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Etienne Chass works as a research officer in human performance for the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services. Chass was heavily involved in the ...

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