Law Enforcement Tactical Strength and Conditioning Programs— Transform “Impossible” Obstacles into Ideal Opportunities

by Mandy Nice, NSCA-CPT, TSAC-F
TSAC Report March 2019


Mandy Nice explains the benefits and need of expanding health and fitness programs into military and law enforcement agencies, and offers strategies for the common obstacles preventing implementation of these programs.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



1. Alvar, B, Sell, K, and Deuster, P. NSCA’s Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2017.

2. Born, J, and Pride, P. Ohio’s model of a comprehensive health and physical fitness program. The Police Chief 34: June, 2017. Accessed August 2018 from ohios-model-of-a-comprehensive-health/?ref=138b9aec6248ec1fd 967d7c844b66a75.

3. Dees, T.  15 things cops wish the public knew about policing. 2016. Retrieved August 2018 from https://www.

4. Dulla, J. Factors impacting first responder and military recruits and how certified strength and conditioning professionals are needed now more than ever. TSAC Report 47: 32-38, 2017.

5. International Association of Chiefs of Police Center for Officer Safety and Wellness and Bureau of Justice Assistance. Reducing Officer Injuries FINAL REPORT: Executive Summary. Accessed August 2018 from ROI_Final_Report.pdf.

6. Kornhauser, C. Programming considerations for the tactical officer in law enforcement - Focusing on fundamentals. TSAC Report 49: 14-16, 2018.

7. Langham, B. Millennials and improving recruitment in law enforcement. Officer Safety and Wellness. 2017.  Retrieved August 2018 from http://www. ef=abd97a6cfb5b07eb6334ac5164f933bc.

8. Lockie, R, Moreno, M, Bloodgood, A, and Cesario, K. Practical assessments of power for law enforcement populations. TSAC Report 49: 6-12, 2018.

9. Nice, M. Operation thrive: An action plan for strategic wellness success. The Police Chief 22–25: May, 2017.

10. O’Malley, EJ, and Nice, M. Winning wellness in law enforcement. FBI National Academy Associate 21-25: December, 2016

About the author

Mandy Nice, NSCA-CPT,*D, TSAC-F,*D

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Mandy Nice has over 15 years of experience developing and implementing physical fitness and wellness programs that measurably improve the strength and ...

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