Correlating Sex-Specific Military Performance Training to Collegiate Lacrosse

by Allison Brager, Tina Burke, Lieutenant Francis Orlando, Aaron John Droege, CSCS, J. Nathan Wilder, CSCS, Peter Lisman, and Devon Dobrosielski
TSAC Report February 2023
Vol 67, Issue 2


This article examines training from collegiate lacrosse programs and how this data can be used to develop data-informed recommendations and refine current approaches towards preparing military and tactical personnel for the Army Combat Fitness Test.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

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1. Anderson, BE, Neumann, ML, and Bliven, KC. H. Functional movement screen differences between male and female secondary school athletes. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 29(4): 1098-1106, 2015.

2. Bretzin, AC, D’Alonzo, BA, Chandran, A, Boltz, AJ, Robison, HJ, Collins, CL, and Morris, SN. Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association women’s lacrosse: 2014–2015 through 2018–2019. Journal of Athletic Training 56(7): 750-757, 2021.

3. Foulis, SA, Sharp, MA, Redmond, JE, Frykman, PN, Warr, BJ, Gebhardt, DL, and Zambraski, EJ. US Army physical demands study: development of the occupational physical assessment test for combat arms soldiers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 20: S74-S78, 2017.

4. Foulis, SA, Redmond, JE, Frykman, PN, Warr, BJ, Zambraski, EJ, and Sharp, MA. US Army physical demands study: Reliability of simulations of physically demanding tasks performed by combat arms soldiers. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 31(12): 3245-3252, 2017.

5. Garhammer, JA. Comparison of maximal power outputs between elite male and female weightlifters in competition. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 7(1): 3-11, 1991.

6. Hardison, CM, Mayberry, PW, Krull, H, Setodji, CM, Panis, C, Madison, R, and Wong J. Independent review of the Army Combat Fitness Test. Rand Corporation, 2022.

7. Kraemer, WJ, Vescovi, JD, Volek, JS, Nindl, BC, Newton, RU, Patton, JF, and Häkkinen, K. Effects of concurrent resistance and aerobic training on load-bearing performance and the Army Physical Fitness Test. Military Medicine 169(12): 994-999, 2004.

8. Nindl, B, and Sharp, M. Third international congress on soldiers: Physical performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 11(29): S1 – S3, 2015.

9. United States Government Accountability Office. Special Operations Forces additional actions needed to effectively manage the Preservation of the Force and Family Program. Report to the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, 2021.

10. Mastalerz, A, Szyszka, P, Grantham, W, and Sadowski, J. Biomechanical analysis of successful and unsuccessful snatch lifts in elite female weightlifters. Journal of Human Kinetics 68(1): 69-79, 2019.

11. Molloy, JM, Pendergrass, TL, Lee, IE, Chervak, MC, Hauret, KG, and Rhon, DI. Musculoskeletal injuries and United States Army readiness part I: Overview of injuries and their strategic impact. Military Medicine 185(9-10): e1461-e1471, 2020.

12. Walsh, MS, Böhm, H, Butterfield, MM, and Santhosam, J. Sex bias in the effects of arms and countermovement on jumping performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21(2): 362, 2007.

13. Witmer, CA, Davis, SE, and Moir, GL. The acute effects of back squats on vertical jump performance in men and women. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 9(2): 206-213, 2010.

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Allison Brager

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Major Allison Brager is the Deputy Chief Science Officer of the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. She has a Bachel ...

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Aaron Droege is the Assistant Athletics Director for SportsPerformance at Towson University. Droege provides guidanceon the implementation of the holi ...

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J. Nathan Wilder, CSCS

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