Seasonal Considerations for Outdoor Fitness Testing of Law Enforcement Recruits

by Ashley Bloodgood, Megan McGuire, and Robert G. Lockie, PhD, TSAC-F
February 2021
Vol 59, Issue 1


This article discusses the variability in physical testing outcomes for law enforcement recruits based on the ambient temperatures and relative humidity present on test day.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

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2. Bloodgood, AM, Dawes, JJ, Orr, RM, Stierli, M, Cesario, KA, Moreno, MR, et al. Effects of sex and age on physical testing performance for law enforcement agency candidates: Implications for academy training. Published ahead of print. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, July 24, 2019.

3. Bonauto, D, Anderson, R, Rauser, E, and Burke, B. Occupational heat illness in Washington State, 1995-2005. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 50(12): 940-950, 2007.

4. Cesario, KA, Dulla, JM, Moreno, MR, Bloodgood, AM, Dawes, JJ, and Lockie, RG. Relationships between assessments in a physical ability test for law enforcement: Is there redundancy in certain assessments? International Journal of Exercise Science 11(4): 1063-1073, 2018.

5. Cuddy, J, and Ruby, B. High work output combined with high ambient temperatures caused heat exhaustion in wildland firefighter despite high fluid intake. Wildernesss and Environmental Medicine 22(2): 122-125, 2011.

6. Dawes, JJ, Lindsay, K, Bero, J, Elder, C, Kornhauser, C, and Holmes, R. Physical fitness characteristics of high vs. low performers on an occupationally specific physical agility test for patrol officers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 31(10): 2808-2815, 2017.

7. Dawes, JJ, Orr, RM, Flores, RR, Lockie, RG, Kornhauser, C, and Holmes, R. A physical fitness profile of state highway patrol officers by gender and age. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 29(16): 16, 2017.

8. Dawes, JJ, Lockie, RG, Kornhauser, CL, Holmes, RJ, and Orr, RM. Relationships between absolute and relative strength and power in male police officers of varying strength levels. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise 1: 281-288, 2019.

9. Dawes, JJ, Lockie, RG, Orr, RM, Kornhauser, C, and Holmes, RJ. Initial fitness testing scores as a predictor of police academy graduation. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning 27(4): 30-37, 2019.

10. Decker, A, Orr, RM, Pope, R, and Hinton, B. Physiological demands of law enforcement occupational tasks in Australian police officers. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning 24(6): 78-79, 2016.

11. Gonzalez-Alonso, J, Teller, C, Andersen, SL, Jensen, FB, Hyldig, T, and Nielsen, B. Influence of body temperature on the development of fatigue during prolonged exercise in the heat. Journal of Applied Physiology 86(3): 1032-1039, 1999.

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14. Kozlowski, S, Brzezinska, Z, Kruk, B, Kaciuba-Uscilko, H, Greenleaf, J, and Nazar, K. Exercise hyperthermia as a factor limiting physical performance: Temperature effect on muscle metabolism. Journal of Applied Physiology 59(3): 766-773, 1985.

15. Lee, D, and Haymes, E. Exercise duration and thermoregulatory responses after whole body precooling. Journal of Applied Physiology 79(6): 1971-1976, 1995.

16. Lockie, R, Dawes, J, Balfany, K, Gonzales, C, Beitzel, M, Dulla, J, and Orr, R. Physical fitness characteristics that relate to Work Sample Test Battery performance in law enforcement recruits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11(15): 2018.

17. Lockie, RG, Dawes, JJ, Balfany, K, Gonzales, CE, Beitzel, MM, Dulla, JM, and Orr, RM. Physical fitness characteristics that relate to Work Sample Test Battery performance in law enforcement recruits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(11): 2477, 2018.

18. Lockie, RG, Dawes, JJ, Orr, RM, Stierli, M, Dulla, JM, and Orjalo, AJ. An analysis of the effects of sex and age on upper- and lower-body power for law enforcement agency recruits prior to academy training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 32(7): 1968-1974, 2018.

19. Lockie, RG, Stierli, M, Dawes, JJ, Cesario, KA, Moreno, MR, Bloodgood, et al. Are there similarities in physical fitness characteristics of successful candidates attending law enforcement training regardless of training cohort? Journal of Trainology 7(1): 5-9, 2018.

20. Lockie, RG, Balfany, K, Bloodgood, AM, Moreno, MR, Cesario, KA, Dulla, JM, et al. The influence of physical fitness on reasons for academy separation in law enforcement recruits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(3): 372, 2019.

21. Lockie, RG, Hernandez, JA, Moreno, MR, Dulla, JM, Dawes, JJ, and Orr, RM. 2.4-km run and 20-m multistage fitness test relationships in law enforcement recruits after academy training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34(4): 942-945, 2020.

22. Lockie, RG, Ruvalcaba, TR, Stierli, M, Dulla, JM, Dawes, JJ, and Orr, RM. Waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio in law enforcement agency recruits: Relationship to performance in physical fitness tests. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34(6): 1666-1675, 2020.

23. Lockie, RG, Dawes, JJ, Moreno, MR, Cesario, KA, Balfany, K, Stierli, M, et al. Relationship between the 20-m multistage fitness test and 2.4-km run in law enforcement recruits. Published ahead of print. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, July 1, 2019.

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Ashley Bloodgood

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Megan Brianne Thompson, MS

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Robert G. Lockie, PhD, TSAC-F

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Robert Lockie is an Associate Professor of strength andconditioning at California State University, Fullerton. He obtainedhis undergraduate and honors ...

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