The Components of Recovery for Tactical Operators

by Dane Bartz, PhD, CSCS,*D and Alexandra Bartz
TSAC Report November 2022
Vol 66, Issue 1

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This article uses relevant research and literature to provide suggestions for optimal recovery in tactical operators.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

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1. Foodman, B. Implications of psychological trauma for tactical athletes and human performance professionals. TSAC Report 63: 2021.

2. MacKenzie-Shalders, K, et al. Law enforcement personnel are willing to change, but report influencing beliefs and barriers to optimised dietary intake. BMC Public Health 20(1): 1638-1638, 2020.

3. Webb, HE, et al. Psychological stress during exercise: cardiorespiratory and hormonal responses. European Journal of Applied Physiology 104(6): 973, 2008.

4. Kukić, F, et al. Perceived and measured physical fitness of police students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(20): 7628, 2020.

5. Stephenson, MD, et al. Applying heart rate variability to monitor health and performance in tactical personnel: A narrative review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(15): 2021.

6. McCraty, R, and Atkinson, M. Resilience training program reduces physiological and psychological stress in police officers. Global Advances in Health and Medicine 1(5): 44-66, 2012.

7. Alvar, B, Sell, K, and Deuster, P. NSCA’s Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning, 2017.

8. Bartz, D, and Bartz, A. Fatigue - Enemy or ally? NSCA Coach 8(4): 2021.

9. Calleja-Gonzalez, J, et al. The recovery umbrella in the world of elite sport: Do not forget the coaching and performance staff. Sports 9(12): 2021.

10. Mori, DL, et al. Acceptability of a wellness group program for veterans with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Global Advances in Health and Medicine 8: 2019.

11. Dedeaux, JA, and Lewis, RK. Does the physical and mental health of veterans differ by military branch? Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community 49(3): 207-220, 2021.

12. Dawes, J, et al. Strength and conditioning program design considerations for law enforcement officers. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 2021.

13. Cornell, DJ, et al. Changes in health and fitness in firefighter recruits: An observational cohort study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 49(11): 2017.

14. Leffer, M, and Grizzell, T. Implementation of a physicianorganized wellness regime (POWR) enforcing the 2007 NFPA standard 1582: injury rate reduction and associated cost savings. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 52(3): 336-339, 2010.

15. Kakar, RS, et al. Biomechanical and physiological load carrying efficiency of two firefighter harness variations. Cogent Engineering 5(1): 1502231, 2018.

16. Duerksen, A, Dubey, V, and Iglar, K. Annual adult health checkup: Update on the Preventive Care Checklist Form(c). Canadian Family Physician Medecin de Famille Canadien 58(1): 43-47, 2012.

17. Rodrigues, S, et al. Wearable biomonitoring platform for the assessment of stress and its impact on cognitive performance of firefighters: An experimental study. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health 14(1): 250-262, 2018.

18. Lewinski, W, et al. Ambushes leading cause of officer fatalities - When every second counts: Analysis of officer movement from trained ready tactical positions. 15: 2015.

19. Queiros, C, et al. Job stress, burnout and coping in police officers: Relationships and psychometric properties of the organizational police stress questionnaire. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(18): 6718, 2020.

20. Bartz, D, et al. Law enforcement officers’ heart rate variability and performance in a simulated ambush. Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, 2021.

21. Seaward, BL. Essentials of Managing Stress. 2nd ed. Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 314, 2011.

22. Greenberg, JS. Comprehensive Stress Management. 13th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2013.

23. Jeukendrup, AE. Periodized nutrition for athletes. Sports Medicine (Auckland, NZ) 47(Suppl 1): 51-63 2017.

24. Barley, OR, Chapman, DW, and Abbiss, CR. Reviewing the current methods of assessing hydration in athletes. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 17(1): 52, 2020.

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26. MacKenzie-Shalders, KL, et al. Dietary intake in law enforcement personnel: Occupation is an additional challenge for changing behavior. Nutrients 14(7): 1336, 2022.

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28. Rasch, B, and Born, J. About sleep’s role in memory. Physiological Reviews 93(2): 681-766, 2013.

29. Sullivan, JP, et al. Randomized, prospective study of the impact of a sleep health program on firefighter injury and disability. Sleep 40(1): zsw001, 2017.

30. Rajaratnam, SMW, et al. Sleep disorders, health, and safety in police officers. JAMA 306(23): 2567-2578, 2011.

31. Mysliwiec, V, et al. Sleep disorders and associated medical comorbidities in active duty military personnel. Sleep 36(2): 167-174, 2013.

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36. Hart, DA. Learning from human responses to deconditioning environments: Improved understanding of the “use it or lose it” principle. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 3: 685845-685845, 2021.

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40. Dominski, FH, et al. Police officers who are physically active and have low levels of body fat show better reaction time. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 60(1): 2018.

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About the author

Dane Bartz, PhD, CSCS,*D

Linked Fit

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Dane Bartz is the co-owner of Linked Fit HQ in Rochester Hills, MI, and is the creator of the Recovery Cycle educational system. He loves researching ...

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