Applying for CASCE Accreditation

Accreditation Application Information

Applications for CASCE accreditation will ONLY be accepted October 1 through December 1 each year. To ensure quality, the CASCE reserves the right to limit the number of applications in an accreditation cycle. Applications submitted prior to October 1 or after December 1 will not be accepted.

The 5 Stages of Applying for Accreditation

Thank you for your interest in CASCE accreditation! We’re eager to assist you on your path to becoming an accredited program. Learn more about the 5-stage application process below.

Stage 1: Preparation

First, programs must complete the following steps to ensure your program is ready to apply:

  1. Guide to Accreditation: Review the Guide to Accreditation document to gain an understanding of the policies, procedures, and general timelines associated with the full accreditation process.
  2. Professional Standards and Guidelines: Examine the Professional Standards and Guidelines document that outlines the standards your program must meet to become accredited. 
  3. Program Readiness Tool: Use the Program Readiness Tool to conduct a self-assessment of your program by reviewing the standards and narratives/documentation required for compliance. 
  4. Get Started Quiz: Take the 5-minute Get Started Quiz to see where your program stands on key CASCE requirements and discover common stumbling blocks before applying.

At this stage, you may discover non-compliances (such as your Program Director’s qualifications or the title of your major or concentration) that need to be taken into consideration, as they may take time to remedy.

Stage 2: Application Submission

Once you’re ready to apply, you may begin your digital application. You can save your progress and return later, as well as share access with additional stakeholders in your program. 

Your application covers areas that help CASCE confirm that your program has the required foundational pieces in place and intends to move forward in the accreditation process. Applications are ONLY accepted from October 1 through December 1 annually. Applications submitted prior to October 1 or after December 1 will not be accepted. 

Undergraduate and graduate programs at the same institution are evaluated and accredited separately, and each program requires individual applications and accreditation fees.

Submitting an application does not indicate nor infer that your program is accredited.

Stage 3: Application Review

CASCE staff will conduct a preliminary review to ensure your application conforms to CASCE guidelines. The timing of the preliminary review will be determined by the quantity of applications received. No action is needed at this stage.

Stage 4: Application Fee

Following your preliminary staff review, the Program Director will receive an invoice for the application fee at the email address indicated in your application. The application fee must be received to proceed with your next steps for accreditation.

The non-refundable application fee is $500 for programs currently recognized through the NSCA Education Recognition Program (ERP) and $1,000 for unrecognized programs.

Stage 5: Accreditation Portal Access

Once your application fee is received, the designated Program Director will receive access to the Accreditation Portal to begin your Self-Study.

Determine Readiness for Accreditation Application

Program Readiness Tool (Excel)
Contact Us:

719-632-6722 x164
1885 Bob Johnson Dr.
Colorado Spring, CO 80906

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