Strength & Conditioning in K-12 Professional Learning Series

Learn to implement scientific principles and evidence-based best practices into your K-12 physical education classes to enhance the health and movement competencies of all students.

The NSCA, in collaboration with WYO PETe Collaborative and the University of Wyoming Sports Performance, will offer a course on Strength &  Conditioning in K-12 Professional Learning Series. This course, the first of its kind, has the following objectives:

  • Share scientific foundation principles reflective of best practices in physical education and coaching
  • Integrate physical literacy and long-term athletic development throughout the National Physical Education and National Coaching Standards

Physical educators of all grade levels, as well as sports/strength & conditioning coaches who work with all ages in the school setting, are welcome to attend. 

High School athletes lifting
High School athletes lifting

UW Sports Performance Center

High Altitude Performance Center 
1000 E. University Ave, Laramie, WY 82071

Campus Maps


Holiday Inn Laramie
204 N 30th Street
Laramie, WY
Phone: 307-721-9000

$119 per night, must reserve room by October 27th.
Ask for WAHPERD room rate discount.

Benefits of Attending this Course

  • Connect your PE / Strength & Conditioning program to scientific principles associated with long-term athletic development (LTAD) and Physical Literacy.
  • Design Strength & Conditioning programming to meet the needs of all students in PE classes and sports with varying physical capabilities and interests.
  • Perform and coach a variety of core, assistance, body weight, and warm up exercises.
  • Implement teaching strategies that empower students to construct their own Strength & Conditioning programming.

When is the course being held?

Registration is CLOSED.

The course will include the following instructional sessions:

  • October 28th, 7:00 pm (Mountain Time): Online via Zoom
  • November 10th, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (Mountain Time): Live workshop at UW Sports Performance Center, Laramie, WY
    **Additional online learning module time is required for earning University of Wyoming MS credit and CEU’s
  • November 18th, 7:00 pm (Mountain Time): Online via Zoom

What is the cost?

  • General registration fee: $50
  • University of Wyoming Master's degree course registrants: $35
    • Please email a copy of your UW registration to to be registered at the discounted fee.
      **Note: All registrants are required to have an NSCA customer account. Please create your account before requesting registration.

Course Overview

The Strength & Conditioning in K-12 Professional Learning Series is comprised of two, 1-hour online workshops (pre and post), an 8-hour in-person workshop, and a 1 online learning module.

Online Sessions

Two 1-hour online sessions will be held via Zoom.

  • October 28th, 7:00 pm - Introductory Session
  • November 18th, 7:00 pm - Implementation Strategy Review Session

Registrants will receive Zoom invites the week before each session.

In-person Workshop 

November 10th, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, UW High Altitude Performance Center

8:00 am Check-in
8:30 am Welcome & session objectives
8:45 am Youth development & Coaching (Theory)
9:20 am Basic Program Design for Youth (Theory to Practice)
10:45 am Warm-ups, bodyweight exercise techniques, & coaching cues (Practice)
12:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm Essential student education: A&P, Training Adaptations, Programming (Theory to Practice
2:15 pm Strength & conditioning in the weight room (Practice)
4:00 pm Implementation strategies (Discussion)
4:30 pm Adjourn

**Agenda is subject to modification

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