NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 30: Maura Bergan

by Scott Caulfield and Maura Bergan
Coaching Podcast May 2018


Maura Bergan, Associate Professor of Exercise Science and Sports Studies at Springfield College, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about social media in the exercise science field, key career decisions, and qualities and values that help you as a coach.

Maura Bergan, PhD, CSCS, is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies at Springfield College in Massachusetts. Bergan completed her Master’s degree in Strength and Conditioning and a PhD in Physical Education at Springfield College. During her graduate studies, she served as a Strength and Conditioning Graduate Assistant. Additionally, she has worked with athletes of all levels at AP Academy, a private facility in western Massachusetts. Her research interests include: positive youth development through sport, psychosocial aspects of sport, and coach education.

Follow Maura on Twitter: @MauraB_SC | Find Scott on Twitter: @scottcaulfield

Show Notes

“I developed a curriculum that integrated some life skill development through strength and conditioning.” 1:52

“The biggest thing I was looking to do was create some connections and transfer to life outside the weight room.” 2:17

“How can we educate our young coaches to be really good coaches in terms of being able to communicate and manage a group of student-athletes?” 3:08

“Social media is like a gateway to exploring this field, connecting with others.” 4:11

“If you want to develop [a social media platform] and have some depth in that one area, you really put your energy into one.” 6:33

“As one of my big mentors, Adam Feit says, ‘Make the big time where you’re at.’” 7:35

“I love learning, I loved who I was learning with, and the experiences I had and the opportunities I’m really grateful for.” 10:34

“We have probably a 100% next step rate.” 12:55

“Usually in the summer between your first and second year, that’s when the big internship happens… that’s where opportunities are endless.” 14:42

“I was fortunate enough to have a high school strength and conditioning coach.” 16:45

“I think maybe that’s why I have a special spot in my heart for high school and younger youth athletics.” 17:18

“Make yourself known and make yourself available to those volunteer opportunities.” 18:36

“You never know who knows who or you know what’s going to need to be filled.” 19:04

“Introduce yourself, all you have to do is shake someone’s hand, send an email.” 19:18

“Ask them about their journey, ask them about how they got started.” 20:14

“The experiences I had and the values I took away from those was just being you, you as a coach, knowing and understanding who you are.” 22:27

“It’s going to be obvious if you’re trying to be somebody that you’re not.” 22:51

“Get comfortable, you know, with your voice, feel comfortable leading some courses, leading some classes.” 25:23

“I get a lot of information actually from my students.” 29:02

“I still love Coach McKeefery’s Iron Game Chalk Talk [podcast].” 31:07

Books – The Switch Book, The Originals, Grit, and Conscious Coaching 32:57

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Photo of Scott P. Caulfield, MA, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC*E
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Scott P. Caulfield, MA, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC*E

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Scott Caufield oversees, develops, and manages strength and conditioning programs for 600+ student-athletes at Norwich University in 22 Division III v ...

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About the author

Maura Bergan, PhD

Springfield College

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