2023 Online Coaches Conference

2.0 CEUs Category A

Registration to attend online will close Wed, Jan 4, 5PM eastern. 

Online Schedule

This schedule displays what will be streamed live for the online attendee and is subject to changes.

Event Itinerary - Wednesday, January 4 - Eastern Time (ET)
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Engaging Your Athletes: Tailoring Your Expertise to Your Audience
by Scott Caulfield, MA, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D, Khalil Lee, PhD, CSCS w/ Moderator: Jon Jost, MS, CSCS, RSCC*E

You're an expert in your field, and up-to-date on all the best practices. But how do you communicate that in a way your athletes will understand? No matter how strong science is, if an athlete doesn't understand, they won't apply it. Listen in as Khalil Lee from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute and Gatorade Performance Partner Captain, Scott Caulfield share their best practices for engaging athletes. These simple updates to your communications strategies could be your key to success.

Lecture Sponsored by Gatorade

1:00 PM - 2:50 PM
The Power of Persuasion: Principles for Effective Communication Beyond the Weight Room
by Mike Janela


3:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Coach to Coach: 15 Lessons to Build Winning Teams
by Martin Rooney, CSCS
  1. Describe the ways to build better communication with athletes and clients.
  2. Identify the pitfalls of poor team culture and how to fix them.
  3. Identify the important abilities and leadership skills of top coaches.

Lecture Sponsored by Perform Better

5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
NSCA Coach of the Year Awards and Keynote: Lessons from a Veteran Coach
by Rob Panariello, MS, PT, ATC, CSCS


Event Itinerary - Thursday, January 5 - Eastern Time (ET)
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
How To Create a Winning Culture
by Martin Rooney, CSCS
  1. Identify the 3 building blocks of a winning culture.
  2. Describe the 5 types of custodians within your current culture.
  3. Design cultures that minimize the risk of turnover, burnout, mediocrity and apathy.

Lecture Sponsored by Perform Better

10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Where the Rubber Meets the Road – A Holistic Approach to Training & Nutrition
by Stephanie Fernandes, MS, RD/LDN & Caitlin Quinn, MS, CSCS
  1. Learning how to define a strength and conditioning program that includes nutrition.
  2. Discuss how we create program buy in through education and behavior change.


12:30 PM - 1:20 PM
Crowd Control: Effectively Manage Large Teams at Small Universities
by Matt Nein, MS, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D
  1. How to organize training (team, open).
  2. How to optimize team cohesion when split into groups.
  3. How to lobby for continued growth in your program.


1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
Organizational Structure in High Performance
by Ben Gleason, PhD, CSCS,*D ,RSCC
  1. Identify best practices and shortfalls in sport organization structure.
  2. Identify accountability resources, such as supervision tools available for S&C coaches.
  3. Discuss available resources for knowledge development and interdisciplinary support roles.


2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
The Application of the Plyometric Continuum
by Lachlan Wilmot, MS
  1. To understand the plyometric continuum model.
  2. To learn how to apply the plyometric continuum with athletes in your environment.
  3. To learn how to apply the plyometric continuum in a rehab model to maximise performance on return.

Lecture Sponsored by ASCA

3:30 PM - 4:20 PM
Introducing Weightlifting Movements: What to Look For, What to Emphasize
by Guy Hornsby, PhD, CSCS,*D
  1. Identify common technical issues.
  2. Describe practical approaches to address noted technical issues.
  3. Provide examples for integrating weightlifting movements into the training plan.


4:30 PM - 5:20 PM
Streamlined Hardship: Squeezing the Essence of Training and Competing
by Bert Sorin
  1. Introducing adjusted and simplified training methods for maximal training efficacy.
  2. Competition and mindset cues for game time on the field.


Event Itinerary - Friday, January 6 - Eastern Time (ET)
8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
What Worked? What Didn’t? – 50-Years of Football Coaching Insights Across All-Levels
by Rock Gullickson
  1. Thoughts: interacting with athletes at all levels.
  2. Beliefs: goals of training that are vital and effective.
  3. Lessons learned: a 50 year perspective.


9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Bridge the Gap Lecture: MMA Training Revisited – Applying the Latest Research
by Corey Peacock, PhD, MEd, CSCS, RSCC
  1. Identify laboratory techniques necessary for making weight safely in MMA.
  2. Describe research to support strength and conditioning, nutrition, and performance parameters in MMA.
  3. Provide structure and guidance on how to integrate research/laboratory techniques into building world champion MMA fighters.


10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Baseball Performance Testing & Assessment
by David Szymanski, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA, RSCC*E
  1. Identify and explain reasons for performing tests.
  2. Learn how to evaluate athlete’s physique, physical capabilities, and baseball performance.
  3. Learn how to interpret test results and how to practically apply them to the athlete’s development.


1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Biomarkers and How to Use Them to Optimize Training and Nutrition
by Shawn Arent, PhD, CSCS,*D
  1. Understand how to appropriately implement laboratory-based biomarker techniques to enhance performance, nutrition, and overall athlete health, with a unique focus on tactical populations and female athletes.
  2. Recognize the influence of training demands as well as other stressors that may drive physiological changes in physically active individuals and athletes.
  3. Effectively evaluate issues related to athletes and operators that may influence physiological responses and identify ways to promote adequate recovery and overall health, including supplement use, oral contraceptive use, training loads, hormonal and hematological changes, and nutrition to improve recovery.


2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Expanding the Field: Supervising and Mentoring Tomorrow’s Strength Coaches
by Mary Kate Feit, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC & Brian Thompson, PhD, ATC, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E
  1. Understand the research related to strength and conditioning coach development.
  2. Apply theories and best practices to create a coach development plan.
  3. Build confidence in their ability to develop future coaches.


3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Comprehensive Shoulder Care: Strength Training for the Overhead Athlete
by Frank Velazquez, CSCS, RSCC*D
  1. Identify potential "red flags" for injury when assessing the throwing shoulder.
  2. Learn recommended exercises for shoulder care and development.
  3. Learn how to program design for the overhead/throwing athlete.


4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Keynote: Stories and Tips from 4 Decades in the Profession
by Bill Foran, CSCS, RSCC*E
  1. Some stories from my career that may help your career.
  2. Some tips that will help athletes immediately.


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