Alabama State Clinic

Learn, participate and network with colleagues while earning CEUs. Hosted by the state/provincial directors and regional coordinators, this local event brings cutting-edge research and application to your backyard.

April 27, 2019 | Montevallo, AL | 0.7 CEUs Category A


April 27, 2019

University of Montevallo
Station 6588
Montevallo, AL 35115

Hosted by:
Stacy Bishop, PhD, CSCS,*D


Event Itinerary - Saturday, April 27
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Check-in & On-site Registration / Breakfast
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Programming for the Overhead Athlete
by Cal Tinsley, MS, CSCS

This presentation will hit on key topics for the overhead athlete, including: why we should implement a full body movement screen, what are the most common movement flaws, and how to program the athlete’s offseason program based off of the previous two.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Muscle Hypertrophy for Athletes
by Brandon Roberts, PhD, CSCS

The goal of this presentation is to provide an update on methods used to enhance muscle hypertrophy. A secondary goal will be to provide insight into optimal practices for physique athletes as well as how practitioners can apply these methods to other clients or athletes.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Exercise Selection Specific to Football (keynote)
by Lyle Henley, CSCS

To inform on how to correctly identify your objectives for yearly success in the sport of American Football and navigate through the obstacles (injury, lack of performance, etc..) that specific exercise selection can help to alleviate.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch (provided)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Dynamic Warm-Up and Injury Prevention for the High School Athlete
by Michael Ryan, ATC

To include: Mobility and stability information as well as injury prevention strategies for the high school athletes.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Concussion Identification and Rehabilitation for Athletes
by Taylor Price, DPT

In this lecture we will review: incidence/prevalence of consussion, acute management, physician visit, rehabilitation, and return to sport protocols.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Stronger in Science, Athletes and Nutrition Supplementation
by Mike Polis, MS, RD, CSSD

The participants will: 1. Understand the value of the sports dietician in the s&c setting 2. Grasp key evidence-based performance nutrition concepts intended to augment strength adaptations and muscular hypertrophy 3. Learn how to evaluate dietary supplements

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
ACL Therapy and the Return to Sport, Bridging the Gap
by Blake Lancaster, CSCS

The takeaways from the session include how to effectively design, implement and adapt a strength and conditioning program for an athlete who is returning to training from an ACL repair.


Thru April 16 After April 16* 
NSCA Member Rate $75 $110
Student Rate $30 $40
Non-Member Rate $95 $130

*If sufficient quantities are unavailable, onsite and late registrants may not receive lunch, t-shirt, etc. (if applicable).

Register online above or use our PDF registration form to mail, fax or email your registration. 


All refund requests must be submitted in WRITING and should include the reason for cancellation. NO refunds will be accepted via phone.  A 50% refund will be granted on or before 4-16-19. NO REFUNDS will be given after 4-16-19.

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