A *D after an NSCA credential indicates a person has recertified with distinction. While this distinction is available to everyone, it’s one of the ways the NSCA acknowledges members who volunteer, contribute, and play a significant role in fulfilling the NSCA’s mission.
*NOTE: The 10 NSCA CEUs of NSCA activity are not pro-rated during the first recertification cycle, like standard recertification CEUs are. Example: If you earn a certification during 2022, you are required to report a pro-rated amount of CEUs (2.0) and pay a pro-rated recertification fee. However, when applying for *D, you are still required to report 10 NSCA CEUs, regardless of certification date.
NSCA CEU opportunities that count towards this distinction are activities that are paid for, or events that are registered for, through the NSCA’s website.
Q: Can I get *D for multiple certifications?
A: Yes, once your distinction requirements have been met, you will be able to request distinction for all certifications.
Q: How do I display *D with my credentials?
A: You would list the certification, then a comma, then the *D (no spaces) Example: CSCS,*D.
Q: Is *D forever? Or do I need to renew *D each cycle?
A: You would be required to meet the *D requirements every cycle, if you wish to maintain the *D status.