Fellowship Application

There are five sections to this application: a) your contact information; b) your NSCA Publications and Review involvement; c) your NSCA Professional Presentation involvement; d) your NSCA Professional Service, Certifications, and Distinctions; and e) your subjective contributions to the NSCA.

Important: Before you start to fill out the application, please make sure that you have all the correct, final information available. As this web page does not allow you to save the application once it is filled out, you will be unable to go back and retrieve or edit information once you close the window containing the application. You must print out the application before you close the window or you will lose the information you have entered.

Fellow application form

Fellow application form please fill out all sections to the best of your knowledge.

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NSCA Publications and Review
(Minimum of 20 and maximum of 50 points from this category, with at least two as first author.)

Please list in detail.

NSCA Professional Presentations
(Minimum of 15 and maximum of 50 points from this category, with at least two as first presenter).

Please list in detail.

NSCA Professional Service, Certifications, and Distinctions
(Minimum of 30 and maximum of 50 points from this category)

Please list in detail.

Currently NSCA-CSCS or CSCS,*D certified (6 points or 7 points with *D)
Currently NSCA-CPT or NSCA-CPT,*D certified (6 points or 7 points with *D)
Currently NSCA-CSPS or CSPS,*D certified (6 points or 7 points with *D)
Currently NSCA TSAC-F or TSAC-F,*D certified (6 points or 7 points with *D)
Currently NSCA CPSS or CPSS,*D certified (6 points or 7 points with *D)
Currently recognized as an NSCA Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach (RSCC) (6 points)

Subjective Contributions to the NSCA
(Maximum 25 points from this category may be awarded by the Fellowship Review Committee)

Discuss your personal history of service and positive contributions to the NSCA over the past 10 years. Be sure to include accounts that reflect on your character, dedication, and respect for the NSCA. Discuss how you will continue your commitment to the NSCA if advanced to Fellowship status. Be sure to include any information regarding your commitment to the mission of the NSCA that was not adequately covered in this application. Limit your answer to 600 words.


I affirm that I am an NSCA member in good standing and will maintain compliance with NSCA Professional Code of Ethics found in the NSCA Codes, Policies, and Procedures.

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