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Cadavers in Motion: Torso, Back & Neck

March 26, 2020


Get a close-up look at back and neck anatomy from a perspective rarely seen by those outside the medical field. Delve into the world of joint structure, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Watch hands-on demonstrations that apply anatomical insight to mobility and functional training, and use this knowledge and takeaways to enhance your next client session.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches

Cadavers in Motion: Shoulder & Arm

March 26, 2020


Get a close-up look at shoulder and arm anatomy from a perspective rarely seen by those outside the medical field. Delve into the world of joint structure, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Watch hands-on demonstrations that apply anatomical insight to mobility and functional training, and use this knowledge and takeaways to enhance your next client session.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science

USADA Coach's Advantage Videos


As some of the most influential people in athletes’ lives, coaches can play a powerful role in keeping sport clean by helping athletes understand and act upon their anti-doping responsibilities. These Coach’s Advantage videos cover the latest anti-doping information.

NSCA-CPT Practice Questions – Techniques of Exercise

The NSCA-CPT Techniques of Exercise Online Practice Question Bundle helps candidates get familiar with the type, scope, and difficulty of the questions on the NSCA-CPT Certification exam.

Training the College-Level Volleyball Athlete

August 19, 2022

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to methods of training collegiate volleyball athletes.

Coaches Volleyball Power Strength Training Cycles Program Design

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