Ankle injuries are very common and their incidence potentially can be reduced or prevented if the person has a better sense of foot position if proper footwear is worn while exercising.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise ScienceExercise TechniqueProgram designTSACTactical StrengthBarbell Back SquatAnkle Joint ForcesFootwear for Back squat
The purpose of this article is to compare the effects of quarter, parallel, and full depth squats on muscle activity, joint stress, athletic abilities, and potential injury risks for the consideration of all strength and conditioning professionals.
A major concern with balance and joint-stabilization exercises is to avoid potentially dangerous movements that depend on the preparedness of the athlete or patient and on the state of the healing tissue. Learn about progressions that minimize risk to the athlete or patient.
CoachesExercise ScienceProgram designbalance exercisesjoint-stabilization exercisesstrength and conditioninginjury avoidanceprehabilitation
When it comes to traditional versus minimalist footwear, there are many considerations for injury risk. This article weighs the risks and benefits of both types of footwear from focusing on current literature on the subject.
Personal trainersSafetyminimalist running shoesrunning injuriesMinimalist footwear
The importance of recognizing a closed-chain activity lies in the fact that the motions of multiple joints are coupled. Weakness at any one joint will consequently limit performance of the entire movement.
Personal trainersCoachesExercise ScienceProgram designkinematic chainkinetic chainstrength and conditioning
Tactical facilitators need to understand the movement patterns that first responders encounter because they can have a profound effect on underlying biomechanics and may contribute to excessive tissue loads.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise TechniqueProgram designSafetyinjury prevention for EMTsinjury prevention for firefightersrepetitive motion disorderOverexertion trauma
Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity, so this phase of sprinting is critical for changing directions as rapidly and efficiently as possible. Optimal technique for linear sprinting in the acceleration phase involves four factors that maximize stride length and frequency.
CoachesExercise ScienceExercise Techniquespeedagilitystrength and conditioning
The power position is an integral position for a variety of power lifting movements. Athletes can develop their power position via an integrated approach involving sound exercise selection and purposeful instruction leading to enhanced strength and technique.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designPower PositionOlympic WeightliftingPower Position TechniqueCoaching QuesWeightlifting